
Saturday, August 2, 2008

Dem Campaign Chatter 8-2-2008

Today, Obama is in Orlando, Florida - at 2:00 PM ET he will address the annual convention of the National Urban League.


In the latest attack ad, the McCain campaign mocks Obama - Taking a page from Hillary Clinton, the ad entitled "The One" mocks Obama's speaking skills and asks "Is he ready to lead?". Nobody likes attack ads, but they work. The has more and the video here.


Yesterday, Obama said he would support off-shore oil drilling - in a statement sure to make environmentalists angry, Obama said he would support a bipartisan energy plan that includes off-shore drilling within 50 miles of the west coast of Florida. Presently, the limit is 230 miles from Tampa Bay and 125 miles from the panhandle. Read more here. The Obama campaign will depict this as Obama's ability to compromise and more forward on an overall good plan for the country while others will say he flip flopped again.


Senator Clinton still thinks her name should be put forward for nomination at Democratic convention - at a fundraiser, she talked about how much support she has given Obama and alluded her name should be on the ballot - don't count on it. She has already been given Tuesday night prime time for a speech. has more here.


More economic bad news - GM reports 15.5 Billion 2nd quarter loss - the has more here. The automobile industry has to make changes they have ignored for many years - has more here. The Dow ended the week at 11,326.27

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