
Monday, August 18, 2008

Dem Campaign Chatter 8-18-2008

George Wenschhof

Today, Obama is in Albuquerque, New Mexico - another town hall meeting on the economy. Senator Clinton was just in New Mexico stumping for Obama and for fundraisers to help reduce her debt planned by Governor Bill Richardson. has more here. Richardson still had his beard yesterday on the talk shows so I guess he is not the VP pick. However, Obama is running out of time to announce his VP - the Democratic Convention begins in one week.

Update 1:34 PM ET - here is some video of Obama discussing equal pay and economic security for women.


Musharraf resigns after months of speculation - the President of Pakistan had been a huge ally of the U.S. Bush administration. In a scene reminiscent of the President Richard Nixon resignation, Musharraf denied the charges that were forthcoming in an impeachment and said he was resigning to put Pakistan first.

The Taliban and Al Qaeda are also thought to have strongholds in the mountainous border region between Pakistan and Afghanistan. As a nuclear armed nation, it is critical to follow the change of power in Pakistan.

Both leaders of what will be the former opposition parties, Ali Zardari and Nawaz Sharif have a checkered history in Pakistan. has more here. Stay Tuned.


Russia slowly begins withdraw from Georgia - In another foreign policy challenge to the U.S., Russia is slowly beginning to withdraw from Georgia. At the same time U.S. intelligence has discovered Russia had move several short range ballistic missile launchers into South Osettia. The has more here.

Adding more angst to the already difficult situation, Poland announced they had entered an agreement with the U.S. to allow the U.S. to deploy missiles in their country as part of the Bush administration's planned missile defense shield.

Foreign policy situations like this and Pakistan, along with others add important variables to the U.S. Presidential election as Americans move closer to casting their vote. Stay Tuned.


McCain's foreign policy adviser's lobbying firm has received $730,000 from Georgia since 2001 - McCain said yesterday he did not have a problem with this. Many Democrats are pointing out the obvious conflict of interest and calling for Randy Scheunemann to resign from the McCain campaign. has more here.


Who will be Obama's VP? - Most likely, we will all know this week. The potential picks generating the most buzz at the moment are Senator Joe Biden, who just flew to Georgia to meet with President Saakashvili.

Also former Georgia Senator Sam Nunn, who has long been pushed by moderate Democrats - Obama mentioned his name as someone wise during the Saddleback Church forum.

Virginia Governor Tim Kaine will receive a visit from Obama on Wednesday and today Obama is in New Mexico with Governor Bill Richardson. Then, there remains Senator Hillary Clinton. has a good read here. Stay Tuned


The Democratic Convention begins in one week - These Presidential conventions have become a much scripted display by the nominee and the Democratic Party. Even the roll call vote for Clinton was woven into the script so as to not upset, but rather augment the building of the "unity theme". The has a good read today entitled "For Convention, Obama's Image is All-American".


Gallup has it McCain 45% and Obama 45% - the poll was conducted from August 14-16. The McCain campaign has to be happy with these numbers for they know Obama is likely to receive a bump after he names his VP and a bump after the Democratic Convention next week. McCain will then be able to counter with his own VP pick and the Republican National Convention. has more here. Stay tuned.

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