
Monday, July 7, 2008

Virginia Senator Webb Says No to Obama VP

In a release sent from his office today, freshman Senator Jim Webb (D-Va) says he will not under any circumstances want to be considered as a VP candidate. He indicated he communicated this message last week. He goes on to talk about how he will be proud to campaign for Obama and help him win the state of Virginia. Senator Webb also spoke about how pleased he was the recent GI bill was able to gain passage with bi-partisan support - this was a bill he helped sponsor.

On our site, we had discounted Webb's chances of being selected for several reasons. Read more of Senator Webb's statement here. Look to see New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson receive serious consideration. If he shaves his beard he grew after he dropped out of the presidential race, then he is under very serious consideration.


  1. I like the article, very interesting about Web. So who is going to be Obama's VP? I keep hearing Bayh mentioned. I dont think Bayh is the best choice though. I think the Best Choice was Clark. I think its unfortunate that Obama seems to have taken him off the table as a Vp. I really feel Clark was and is Obamas bet pick for VP., I have signed serveral Petitions Supporting Clark for VP, I have also signed a Petition asking Obama to defend his Comments, I think he has been treated a bit unfairly by the media. If any one reading the blog wants to support Clark you can sign the Petition On Veep Peek, I think it just went up today. the link is They have another Petition for Clark at I just dont understand if it isnt Clark who else it could be? Maybe Kerry would be Ok.

  2. Hmmm...not biting on those pastormike...if Webb is denying, then perhaps Virginia is a focus - Tim Kaine would be great!
