
Thursday, July 24, 2008

Today's Campaign Chatter

Today, Obama is in Berlin, Germany - After a fully scheduled day in Israel and Palestine, meeting with officials, Obama is now in Germany. He will give a speech open to the public at the "Victory Column" in Tiergarden Park this morning after meeting with Prime Minister Angela Merkel. Germany Prime Minister Angela Merkel speaks highly of Senator Obama - read more at here.


A desperate McCain campaign attacks Obama's Holocaust Museum Statement - The has more here.


NBC/Wall Street Journal Poll has it Obama - 47, McCain - 41 - No mercy for McCain - he is getting pounded by the positive press Obama is receiving overseas and fumbling with mediocre responses - like a ridiculous paid radio spot today in three U.S. towns with the name Berlin - pretty lame - has more here. Now, a new poll conducted from July 10 -21 shows him behind. MSNBC has more here.


Keeping the pressure on McCain, the Obama campaign purchases 5 million in Olympics ads - pretty impressive and definitely a good move. has more here.


In yet another example of how bad this week has been for McCain - Louisiana Governor Jindal says no thanks to VP. McCain also has to cancel a photo-op he had planned on an off-shore oil rig off the coast of Louisiana due to bad weather- this to promote off-shore oil drilling - Too bad for it would have clearly shown how McCain would be more of the same. Read more here.


Obama campaign is also coordinating publicity on Republicans for Obama - They are called "Obamacans" - They include former Rhode Island Senator Lincoln Chafee, Douglas Kmiec, Susan Eisenhower, granddaughter of President Eisenhower. Even Colin Powell is rumored to be a part of this group. has more here.


House passes the Housing bill - Senate passage expected soon - as we reported yesterday, President Bush indicated he would sign the bill after the compromise included increasing the national debt limit by 800 billion to 10.6 trillion - how much is a trillion, anyway? The New York Times has more here.

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