
Tuesday, July 8, 2008

New "War Powers Consultation Act" Proposed

Today, a bipartisan panel co-chaired by former secretaries of state James Baker (R) and Warren Christopher (D), recommended the replacement of the 1973 "War Powers Act". This new resolution is aimed at having the President consult with Congress before entering into war. has a good read - here is an excerpt from their column today:

"From the standpoint of Congress, [the new act] gives Congress a seat at the table in deciding whether or not to go to war," Christopher said.

The act would establish a "Joint Congressional Consultation Committee," consisting of the Speaker of the House, the Senate majority leader, the minority leaders of both chambers and the chairmen and ranking members of the House and Senate Foreign Affairs, Armed Services, Intelligence and Appropriations committees, with which the president would have to consult before going to war.

Read the entire column here.

This proposal is likely to receive opposition from the Bush administration which will probably argue about how it diminishes the powers of the Presidency provided under the constitution. Regardless of the outcome of this proposed legislation, congress presently has the power to cut off funding of wars but has been reluctant to exercise this option.

Expect this proposal to receive some press, but it appears doubtful it will pass. It is a serious topic that deserves attention. Stay tuned

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