
Friday, July 4, 2008

Democratic Campaign Chatter 7-4-2008

Happy 4th of July! - We wish everyone a fun and safe day.


Obama is in Butte, Montana today - He and his family will watch a parade and then attend a 4th of July family picnic which they have opened to the public. His daughter, Malia has a birthday today and turns ten. Read more here.


McCain campaign accuses Obama of flip flopping on Iraq - The gotcha moments in today's campaigns are becoming tiresome - with today's technology, every word spoken is recorded and available for dissection by the opposition. Obama held a second press conference yesterday in North Dakota to set the record straight on his commitment to end the war in Iraq. Watch video here.


Continuing with the flip flop theme has a timeline of Obama's statements on the FISA bill. At issue is the immunity granted to the telecoms that gave information on individuals to the Bush administration. The liberal Netroots are incensed over what they feel is a reversal of his position to oppose the bill. The bill should hit the floor as early as next week. Here is the TPM timeline. Obama ended up having to respond to a FISA protest on his own website. Read more here.


Obama house parties a huge success last Saturday - Remember, I informed you that there were going to be house parties in all 50 states for Obama last week? Well, it seems tens of thousands attended and the Obama campaign put together a video of the happenings. Here is the Video.


How cool is this? - Obama may accept the Democratic nomination in Mile High Stadium in Denver. The convention will be held August 25-28 at the Pepsi Center in Denver. The Mile High stadium which holds 76,000 is where the Denver Broncos play - the Pepsi Center can only seat 21,000. If they can negotiate out of agreements with the Pepsi Center, this is a no brainer. It also just so happens that August 28, the day Obama will accept the nomination, is the 45 year anniversary of Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech. Read more here.


The candidate leading in the national polls on July 4th wins 66% of the time - has a fun read today about Presidential candidates and July 4th polls. It seems 10 of the last 15 Presidents have led the polls closest to July 4th. The latest Gallup Poll from July 2 has Obama leading McCain 47-43. As encouraging as this may appear, don't count on this as a serious indicator. Read more here.

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