
Thursday, July 31, 2008

Dem Campaign Chatter 7-31-2008

Today, Obama is in Cedar Rapids, Iowa - for another town hall meeting on the economy and a visit with those devastated by the recent floods. It was his victory in Iowa that started Obama on his way to the Democratic Party nomination. Read more here.


Exxon Mobile reports 11.68 Billion profit for 2nd quarter - Geez, if this doesn't make the case for government regulation, what will? This is the largest profit in a quarter ever reported by a U.S. corporation. This is an outrageous profit, while the rest of Americans are struggling to make monthly rent or mortgage payments, buy groceries, and put gas in their car for their daily work commute. We do need a change. has more here.


Polls in battleground states show tightening of the race - Quinnipiac University in a poll conducted from July 23-29 with a margin of error of 2.7-2.8 points show the following; Florida -Obama 46 and McCain 44, Ohio - Obama 46 and McCain 44, and Pennsylvania - Obama 49 and McCain 42. has more here. Still 13 1/2 weeks to go and these states along with Michigan, Virginia, and others are expected to be close. Stay tuned.


In the latest McCain ad, they poke fun at his celebrity status - included in the ad, none other than Britney Spears and Paris Hilton while they also show the shots of the huge crowd in Germany to watch his speech. They conclude with "But is he ready to lead?". The Chicago Tribune has more and the video here.


Unfortunately for Obama, Rapper Ludacris offends many with his latest song - intended to show his support for Obama the song entitled "Politics" has lyrics which are offensive to many including the Obama campaign. The New York Times Blog has the song and more here. Let's see what the Republicans do with this. Stay tuned.


Yesterday, in Missouri Obama, responds to recent McCain ads - has a good read entitled "Obama Says Republicans trying to scare voters". This is actually a message the Obama campaign has consistently used when attacked. Whether it is a reference to the color of his skin, or his lack of experience, they come back with what Americans want is a change in Washington. So the argument remains the same from the primary battle with Senator Clinton, change versus same old politics of the past. Keep an eye on this argument by both campaigns - it is a critical one for the voter. Stay tuned


As we reported earlier, Senator Clinton will speak Tuesday night at Convention - She will be joined on stage by the women Senators. It so happens that Tuesday August 26 is the anniversary date of the 19th amendment to the constitution - which gave women the right to vote. has more here. Earlier, Clinton supporters were pushing for her name to be put in nomination and for a floor vote - this idea was not received favorably.

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