
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Dem Campaign Chatter 7-30-2008

Today, Obama is in Missouri - He has town hall meetings in Springfield at a High School and Rolla at a Student Recreation Center - He will discuss - what else? the economy. Later, he will attend a Barbecue in Union at the City Park. Senator Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) will also be there. has more here.


The Obama campaign and the DNC plan to spend 20 million in voter outreach to the Latino/Hispanic community - even though a recent New York Times/CBS poll showed Obama leading McCain among Latinos by a large margin 62% to 23%. Read more here. Here's a thought - chose New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson as the VP - you would also receive solid international relations along with executive administration experience.


Alaska Republican Senator Ted Stevens charged with concealing gifts totalling $250,000 - this has been a long rumored development and can not help the Republicans in the fall elections. Steven has served in the senate for forty years. Read more from here. Will this seat be another pick-up for the Democrats?


AFL-CIO dispels Obama rumors - They will be sending out mailers to their members in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin that show the silliness of the rumors like - Obama won't wear a flag lapel pin, or he did not put his hand on the Bible when he was sworn in, and he is not a Christian. has more here.


The New York Times has a article on the Obama VP vetting process - seems research is done on candidates actions from as long as twenty years ago. Read the article here. While Governor Kaine (Va.), and Senators Biden (Del.) and Bayh (In.) has received the most attention of late, I look to see the choice be another. The Obama campaign has been very good at controlling leaks to the media - sometimes names are leaked to give potential running mates who are not chosen some positive press and attention.


Obama campaign begins response ads to McCain blaming Obama for high gas prices - The ad will run in the same states that the McCain campaign ran their attack ads. has the video here and points out the Obama campaign is using the same tactics used against Senator Clinton in the primary - "same old politics". One thing I consistently see with the Obama campaign is rapid response when they are attacked - of course it helps when you have the money to do so.


Today, has the Obama - McCain poll averages at Obama 46.3% and McCain 43.7%. Read their numbers here.

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