
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Dem Campaign Chatter 7-29-2008

Today, Obama is meeting with the House Democratic Caucus - we reported this meeting earlier. He will also have a closed door meeting with newly elected Pakistan Prime Minister Gilani. Obama has for some time questioned the Bush administration's policy toward Pakistan and the failure to pursue Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Read more here.


Washington Post reports "Kaine in 'Serious Talks' With Obama" - The Governor of Virginia, Tim Kaine would be a solid choice for VP as Virginia is considered a battleground state. However, he is a first time governor with no foreign policy experience so don't expect him to get the nod. Other names still being bandied about in the media are Senators Evan Bayh (In.) and Joe Biden(Del.) and former Georgia Senator Sam Nunn. I don't look for the VP choice to come from this group. Meanwhile the New York Times reports it is doubtful Senator Clinton will be picked as she has not even been asked to provide any information to the vetters. Read more here. Stay Tuned.


USA Today / Gallup Poll shows McCain ahead - among most likely voters 49% to 45% and Obama leads among registered voters 47% to 44%. The poll was conducted from July 25-27. Still way early for polls. Read more here.

-------------------- has a good read today on upcoming Republican strategy - As the democrats have been successful linking McCain with Bush, the republicans plan to start doing the same with Obama. They plan to link him to house Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Calf.) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (Nev.). Today, Republicans will complain Pelosi is holding up the vote on off-shore oil drilling and tie this action to Obama. This may be a good strategy for voters rank Congress and President Bush very low. Surprisingly, a majority of voters also approve off-shore oil drilling - even though it is not an immediate or long term answer to our country's energy needs. Seems the Democrats may need to educate the voters some more. Read more here.


Speaking of off-shore oil drilling - Senate majority Leader Harry Reid (Nev.) proposes opening up a billion acres off Alaska - this legislation is splitting Democrats who oppose this action. Democratic Senator Jeff Bingaman (N.M.) who chairs the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee co-authored the legislation. Reid is most likely looking at poll results from voters, while many Democrats realize this off-shore oil drilling discussion by Republicans is much to do about nothing. has more here. This will be a major general election issue so how this argument is framed to the voters will be very important. Stay Tuned.

-------------------- will begin airing ad supporting Obama - will run on Comedy Central's "The Daily Show" and "The Colbert Report". It will also run on MTV. Read more here.

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