
Sunday, July 20, 2008

Campaign Chatter

Obama's visit in Afghanistan - included meeting President Hamid Karzai - has more here. He also visited and had breakfast with the troops at Camp Eggers - has video here. Obama has been critical of the Bush administration for not keeping the eye on al Qaeda in Afghanistan as they rushed to invade Iraq.


Al Gore surprises Netroots Nation convention -- He appeared and gave a short speech to the liberal bloggers in attendance. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calf) was on stage when he came out to speak. The New York Times has more here.


T. Boone Pickens to address House members this week - His energy independence plan for America is receiving attention on the Hill. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi invited him to speak Tuesday evening to the 236 Democratic members. He will address the republicans later in the week. His plan, includes more use of natural gas to power automobiles and more use of wind power to generate electricity. Read more from here.


Oops!, Iraq Prime Minister issues statement he has not endorsed any specific plan for U.S. withdrawal of troops from his country. This comes after the media widely reported he supported the 16 month withdraw timetable proposed by Obama. Read more from here.


The economy continues to be the number one issue with voters - The Washington Post has a column today entitled "Risk Aversion" which asks the candidates to spell out more as to what they will do to turn around the economy. The New York Times has a column today entitled "The Way Through" which also calls upon the candidates to spell out their plans to improve the economy.


Obama moving to the center? - has a good read entitled "Obama's steady centrism". This, much to the chagrin of liberal bloggers Arianna Huffington and Markos Moulitsas -

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