
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Campaign Chatter

Today, Obama is in Indiana - Purdue University will be the setting and he will be joined by Indiana Senator Evan Bayh and former Georgia Senator Sam Nunn. They will be discussing national security issues. Both Bayh and Nunn are considered to be on the Obama VP short list. Read more from here.


Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae troubles - with their shares falling, these two companies created by Congress, are the subject of discussion for government assistance. As the largest holder of owned or secured home mortgages, a failure of these companies is not an option. has a good read entitled "Fannie and Freddie spent $200m to buy Influence".


The Labor Department reports increases in Consumer Prices - They jumped 1.1% in June and energy prices increased by 6.6%. Ben Bernanke, the chair of the Federal Reserve informed Congress of his concern for inflation. has more here.


McCain Misstep on Foreign Policy - several times yesterday Mccain referred to the Czech Republic as Czechoslovakia. Well, at least now everyone is learning that the country split some years ago into Slovakia and the Czech Republic. The issue being discussed - the Missile Shield program the Bush administration wants in Europe and is opposed by Russia. The Chicago Tribune has more here.

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