
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Campaign Chatter

Obama is in D.C. where he is to give a speech on Iraq and National Security - The speech is scheduled for 10:45 AM ET at the Washington International Trade Center. Afterward, he will be interviewed by Gwen Ifill of PBS "News Hour". Update 6:49 PM ET Watch some video from the interview here. At the end of a busy day, he will appear on Larry King tonight - correction - taped interview from earlier today will be broadcast tonight.


Market still shaky after rescue plans announced Sunday - Yesterday, the Dow closed down 0.41 percent at 11,055.19. The Banking industry is receiving the most scrutiny from investors. With the Bear Sterns failure in March, IndyMac's seizure last Friday and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in trouble, many are wondering what Bank is next. The New York Times has a good read here.

Ben Bernanke, the chairman of the Federal Reserve will give his semi-annual address to Congress at 10:00 AM. You can count on some investors listening to what he has to say.


Obama still calls for responsibility when he addressed the NAACP last night - Remember, it was the Reverend Jesse Jackson who accused Obama of talking down to African-Americans when he spoke of men needing to take responsibility. Obama showed he was not going to back down on this issue and received support yesterday from the Reverend Al Sharpton. Read more here.


Rhode Island Senator Jack Reed says he is not interested in VP - speculation he was being seriously considered increased when it was announced he was traveling with Obama to Iraq. However, scratch him from the list. Read more here.


Latest National poll has Obama 50, McCain 41 - Qinnipiac University conducted the poll from July 8-13. Over the same period Gallup had it Obama 46, McCain 43, Rassumussen Obama 47 - McCain 46. average is Obama +4.0


Voters split on Iraq withdraw - the Washington Post and ABC News poll showed voters equally split between a 16 month withdraw from Iraq proposed by Obama and McCain's position of letting the events determine when troops come home. Read the Washington Post column here.

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