
Monday, July 14, 2008

Campaign Chatter

Today, Senator Obama is in Cincinnati, Ohio - for a fundraiser and to attend the NAACP Annual Conference where he will give a speech at 8 PM.


Obama and McCain denounce The New Yorker Magazine cover and a piece on Obama - A cover depicting Obama as a Muslim and his wife as some sort of revolutionary giving a fist bump with an American flag burning in the fireplace. How ridiculous is this from a so-called responsible magazine? Read the column here.

The Obama campaign responded with how tasteless the cover was and how this was obviously a scare tactic. Read more here. McCain spokesman, Tucker Bounds said they agreed "it was tasteless and offensive".

However, the visual damage has been done. Let's see how long this story lasts - the magazine I believe is dated July 21 so it appears there is more life in this story.


Democrats and Republicans say they will cooperate with the White House - on legislation aimed to help Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. You know there is a financial problem of magnitude when everyone on the Hill agrees to move quickly. The unfortunate question is where were they as the Republican George W. Bush administration was getting the country in this mess. Read more here.


Democrats are still behind in their fundraising for their convention in Denver the end of August - The DNC, chaired by Howard Dean has been ineffective in raising the funds for their national convention. Steve Farber, a Denver lawyer is being counted on to raise the additional estimated 11 million needed. Farber, reportedly also was hopeful the Obama campaign would steer contributors his way. Read more here.


Obama has an Op-Ed in the New York Times today entitled "My Plan for Iraq". He talks about how the recent request from Iraq prime Minister for a timetable for withdraw of U.S. troops from their country presents an opportunity.


Obama to visit Israel and the West Bank next week. It is reported he will be there on July 22-23 and visit with Israel Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, President Shimon Peres, and opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu. Obama is also scheduled to meet with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. Read more here.

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