
Sunday, July 13, 2008

Campaign Chatter

Today, Obama is in San Diego, California - He will speak to the National Council of La Raza. Tomorrow, McCain is scheduled to appear.


Remember the "hanging chads" from the Florida recount in 2000? - Seems new voter registration in Florida is going overwhelmingly to Democrats. From January through May of this year the new voter registration for Democrats in Florida was 106,508. In the same period, the new voter registration for Republicans was 16,686. Wow! That is 61/2 times more Democrats than Republicans. Not surprising after eight years of failed policies under the Republican George W. Bush administration. Read more here.


Senator Clinton is under consideration for Obama VP - after new Fox commentator and former Clinton adviser, Howard Wolfson said Clinton was not being vetted, this story hits the media. A Clinton donor had a recent telephone conversation with Senator Obama - she indicated Obama said Clinton was under consideration but that husband Bill may be an issue. Read more here.


U.S. to begin withdraw of troops from Iraq in September? - don't get too excited. The New York Times reports this may be needed in order to redirect the troops to the battle in Afghanistan. Seems we don't have enough troops to fight all the wars we are in. Reports are that 1-3 of the 15 brigades in Iraq could be withdrawn in September. Afghanistan is where the U.S. focused their response after the 9/11 disaster. Unfortunately, the Bush administration did not kept their eye on the target and misdirected the U.S. into the Iraq quagmire. Meanwhile, the Taliban are back in Afghanistan and Poppy remains the number one export of the country. Read the New York Times article here.


Will Joementum lose Committee Chairman position? - Many Senate Democrats are upset that Joe Lieberman (I-Conn) may address the Republican National Convention. The liberal netroots have already been calling for his removal as Democratic Chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee due to his support of McCain. Lieberman was forced to run as an Independent after being defeated in the Connecticut Democratic primary and then won in the general election. Remember, eight years ago, he was on the ticket with Gore as his VP. Harry Reid, the Senate Majority Leader is in a box for he currently needs Lieberman's vote on other Democratic proposed legislation. If Democrats pick up the predicted 3-7 seats in the Senate in November, then you can count on Lieberman being removed. Read more here.


Green Party delegates select their Presidential candidate - Cynthia McKinney, a former Democratic congresswoman from Georgia was chosen. She then picked Rosa Clemente as her running mate. So there will be a woman on the ballot for President this year. Read more here.

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