
Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Campaign Chatter

Today, Obama makes the rounds on the weekday morning TV shows - When the morning is over, he will have appeared on ABC - "Good Morning", CBS - "Early Show", and NBC - "Good Morning America". The Iran Missile Tests is the buzz today. Read more here. Tonight, Obama will be joined by Hillary Clinton at a fundraiser in New York City.


Mark Penn and Karen Hughes to start Consulting Firm - The Wall Street Journal has an article today on how the former advisers to Clinton and Bush are teaming up. After his strategy failed with the Clinton campaign, it will be interesting to see how he does marketing his expertise to the private sector. Read more here.


FISA vote expected today - The so-called compromise bill supported by Democratic House Whip Steny Hoyer will receive a rude reception in the Senate today. The compromise bill still contains retroactive immunity to telecoms who provided information to the Bush administration without FISA court authority. Democratic Senators Chris Dodd (Conn), Russ Feingold (Wis), and Pat Leahy (Vt) will offer an amendment to that bill today which strikes the immunity provision. Democracy For America (DFA) is continuing to lobby hard against the Hoyer compromise. Obama has earlier expressed his support of no immunity and has now reversed his position and indicated he will vote for the Hoyer bill - much to the dismay of his liberal Netroots supporters. Read more here.


John Edwards as Obama's VP? - The former North Carolina Senator, former VP candidate on the Kerry ticket in 2004, and two-time candidate for President says he would serve if asked. This is a little different than what he said about a month ago when he said something to the effect that he had been there and done that already and was not interested. When you look at who is under consideration, Edwards has to be in the top five. Read more here. Stay tuned.

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