
Saturday, June 7, 2008

Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" 6-8-2008

This is the first Sunday after Senator Barack Obama clinched the Democratic Party nomination so it will be fun to listen to the pundits add their two cents. Saturday, Senator Hillary Clinton will finally make her endorsement of Senator Obama and give a speech on unity. California Senator Dianne Feinstein will appear on a few shows where she will be asked about her role in hosting the private and secret meeting between Obama and Clinton last Thursday night.

From this point on, the Sunday morning talk shows will be focused on a new race and this is the one between McCain and Obama.

Meet the Press - will feature a roundtable discussion with NBC reporters. David Gregory, Andrea Mitchell, Chuck Todd, and Kelly O'Donnell will be some who make up the roundtable.

Face the Nation - Howard Wolfson, the communications director of the Clinton campaign. Count him among a few others that were advising Clinton not to concede defeat last Tuesday night - bad advise that came back to bite Clinton in the .... Also appearing is NY representative Charles Rangel, an early Clinton supporter who led the NY delegation to help push Clinton out and endorsed Obama. Senator Jim Webb of Virginia who is rumored as a VP possibility will also be interviewed. As a freshman Senator he is an extreme long shot to be picked by Obama.

This Week - Senator John Kerry (Mass.) who endorsed Obama early is one of the guests. it would be nice if he would give an update on Senator Ted Kennedy and how he is faring after his surgery to remove as much as possible of his malignant brain tumor. Senator Dianne Feinsten, a Clinton supporter who just hosted a private meeting between Obama and Clinton - let's see what she has to say.

Late Edition - Senator Feinstein and Howard Wolfson appear again. Also Majority Whip Clyburn who waited until the last primaries were underway to endorse Obama.

Fox News - Virginia Governor Tim Kaine (D)

For a complete rundown of the Sunday morning shows, check out "Sunday talk show tip sheet".

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