
Saturday, June 21, 2008

Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" 6-22-2008

For some of us, it will take time to adjust to Sunday mornings without Tim Russert. Brian Williams will host "Meet the Press" on Sunday. New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, who is among others on the short list of Obama's potential running mate will appear on two shows this morning.

Meet the Press - Guests will be the same ones scheduled for the 15th, two days after Mr. Russert died of a heart attack. They are Senator Joe Biden (D-Del.), another one on Obama's short list for VP. Also appearing will be Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.)

Face the Nation - Governor Bill Richardson (NM) - look to see if he has shaved his beard, if so, then he figures he is under serious consideration for Obama's VP. Editor-in Chief, John F. Harris will also appear - a site I read daily.

Late Edition - Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty who is on McCain's short list for running mate and Governor Bill Richardson. Also appearing will be surrogates for Obama and McCain discussing off-shore oil drilling and the economy.

This Week - a panel discussion on high gas prices (those who live in Europe are saying, "you have high gas prices?") George S. discusses the week in politics.

For a complete rundown check out '"Sunday talk show tip sheet".

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