
Saturday, June 14, 2008

Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" 6-15-2008

It will take some time for many of us to adjust to watching the Sunday morning political pundits without hearing the booming voice of Tim Russert on NBC's "Meet the Press". Over the years, he had become one of us. We looked forward to see who his Sunday guests would be, knowing his interview would be an intellectual exercise we did not want to miss. Expect the life of Mr. Russert and his passion for politics to be discussed at length today as we are not blessed with talents like his often.

NBC "Meet the Press" Tom Brokaw will host the program which will feature the life of Tim Russert. Finding a replacement for Russert will not be an easy task for either NBC or the person chosen for the job.

ABC "This Week" has John Edwards a Obama supporter who has said he will not accept the V.P. if offered for he did that with John Kerry four years ago. Edwards has a passion for helping those less fortunate so perhaps some speculation will occur as to a cabinet position he would consider should Obama become President.

CBS "Face the Nation" will have Governor Jindal who is among those being considered as a potential vice president candidate with McCain. Jindal has an independent streak and while that may be appealing to McCain, don't expect the VP position to be offered. Jindal is very bright and an up and comer - expect to hear more from him in the future.

Also appearing is Newt Gingrich, who toyed with the idea of running for President this year. Right now, I would bet he is wishing he had. He is back on the Hill, advising Republicans on how to hang onto their seats and to win additional seats in congress. Many are listening for it was his "Contract with America" that won a Republican majority in the early 1990's.

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