
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Johnson Resigns as Chair of Obama VP Search Committee

Jim Johnson announced today he was resigning his position on the vice president search committee for Senator Obama. He realized he was receiving too much attention from the media and although he did not admit any wrongdoing, he knew he had to go.

Senator Obama made a short statement saying he understood Johnson did not want to distract from the important deliberations pertaining to the VP selection and accepted his resignation

As we posted yesterday and again earlier today, Jim Johnson was receiving heat from the media for his relationship with the CEO of Countrywide Mortgage who apparently approved multi-million loans for Johnson.

One could see it heading in this direction for there was no good way out of this for Obama who is sure to receive more flack from the McCain campaign. The committee now has two members; Caroline Kennedy and former Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder. Let's see if Johnson is replaced and by whom. Read more here.

Stay Tuned

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