
Friday, June 20, 2008

House Passes FISA Revisions

The bill passed overwhelmingly in the House 293-129. The majority of Democrats however, did not support the bill with 105 voting "Yes" and 128 voting "No". House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) helped craft the compromise which provides immunity to telecoms who provide proof to a Judge they were asked for this information by the President and were told it was legal. This was a sticky point for many Democrats. There are also a slew of lawsuits pending that will be affected by the passage of this bill. FISA Clearinghouse from Hoyer website.

The bill allows the continuance of a secret court that determines the legality of wiretapping, etc. by the government of individuals. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act has a sunset provision of 2012. It is expected to pass in the Senate next week. Read more here.

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