
Thursday, June 5, 2008

Democratic Campaign Chatter 6-5-2008

Clinton taken to the woodshed - In a conference call with members of congress, Senator Clinton was informed of their displeasure of her speech Tuesday night where she failed to acknowledge Senator Obama as the winner and the democratic party nominee. New York congressman Charles Rangel, an early supporter of Clinton was especially upset and let her know it.

After lots of negotiation and discussion, the Clinton campaign has announced she will end her campaign at an event in D.C. on Saturday. It was first reported that it would happen Friday, but the event was moved to Saturday to also accommodate Obama supporters. She will suspend her campaign which technically still gives her some control of her delegates and she will announce her support of Obama. I presume this will involve a joint appearance, arms in hand photo - op. There's more here.

Senator Obama announces his V.P. search team - Jim Johnson who was rumored to already be working on this is indeed on the committee - he last headed this effort for Senator Kerry four years ago. He is joined by Caroline Kennedy and Eric Holder, a former deputy AG under the Clinton administration. Read more here.

This is a probably a good move by Obama for it shows that a process and "vetting" will occur before he names his running mate. This move will also slow down the urgency of making the "Hillary decision" as a running mate. In fact, she may remove herself from consideration - don't be surprised if this is what happens.

Here is a column I wrote on May 23 about the possible VP picks by Obama - We are posting a poll today listing some of the possible names - make sure you vote!

Tony Resko, a Chicago businessman convicted on corruption charges. Senator Obama has to be glad this conviction occured after he secured the nomination Tuesday night. Although, Obama was not implicated in this trial, Resko was an early backer and supporter of Obama. The republicans are sure to bring this connection up and try to use it against Obama. The Chicago Tribune has a good story here.

McCain calls for 10 Town Hall forums with Obama - the proposal calls for informal debates without moderators that also include questions from the audience. It appears this proposal is gaining some traction and preliminary discussions are talking place. Read more here.

Obama sets new financial contribution guidelines for the DNC - They will no longer accept contributions from federal lobbyists or PACs - these are the same guidelines Obama has followed in his campaign. Read more here.

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