
Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Democratic Campaign Chatter 6-3-2008

Montana and S. Dakota Primaries today - Montana polls close at 10:00 PM ET - It is an open primary and 16 pledged delegates are at stake. S. Dakota polls close at 9:00 PM ET - It is a closed primary with 15 delegates at stake. These are the last two primaries on the democratic schedule - Is the race finally over?

We will do some live blogging on the results along with reaction to the speeches given by Clinton and Obama. Obama will speak from St Paul, Minnesota - interestingly, this is the site of the republican national convention. Clinton will speak from New York City.


Kennedy Brain Surgery goes well - Dr Alan Freidman who operated on Kennedy said the next steps involve radiation and chemo.
Read more here.


West Virginia Senator Robert Byrd was hospitalized last night. At 90, he has suffered various ailments of late.
Read more here. He recently endorsed Obama.


House Majority Whip James Clyburn (S.C.) endorses Obama - As he said a week ago, he would wait until the elections were underway in the last two primaries, prior to announcing his endorsement.
Read More here.


Current total delegate count is
Obama 2074 Clinton 1915 Obama is 44 away from the magic 2118 figure so they are urging uncommitted superdelegates to declare today. It is likely he will win around 17 of the 31 pledged delegates in today's primaries which still leaves him 27 delegates short. You can bet he wants to be able to announce tonight he has the 2118 delegates and is the nominee. Stay tuned for mass announcements today. Read more here and watch Clyburn endorsement speech.


Bill Clinton: Purdum a 'Sleazy" 'Slimy" 'Scumbag" - the former President was unhappy with a
article In Vanity Fair written by Purdum. The has Bill Clinton's reaction - read more here.


Terry McAuliffe, national chair of the Clinton campaign said today it is unlikely they would file an appeal to the credentials committee over 4 delegates. This is the number the Clinton campaign argued they lost in the decision by the rules & bylaws committee last Saturday.

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