
Saturday, June 28, 2008

Democratic Campaign Chatter 6-28-2008

Obama to visit Iraq, Afghanistan , and Europe - this has been in discussion for the last month. He will be part of a congressional delegation to visit Iraq and Afghanistan. Afghanistan has been the forgotten war where the Taliban have regrouped and Poppy remains the number one export of the country. Obama will also visit England, France and Germany. All of these overseas visits will occur prior to the Democratic national convention in late August. Read more here.


Today, Obama and McCain will speak to the National Association of Latino Elected Officials (NALEO). This morning they are both expected to give a speech at the conference in D.C. For Obama, this follows his Thursday night meeting with Hillary Clinton and her Hispanic supporters. Read more here.

Update 1:25 PM ET - Read Obama's remarks here. - Read McCain's remarks here.


Democrats and unity - can it happen? - Democrats have long been a party made up of people with many different ideas which prompted the famous Will Rodgers quote "I'm not a member of any organized party, I'm a Democrat". The ongoing attempt at party unity, including the choosing of Unity, New Hampshire as the location for the first joint Obama-Clinton campaign event has many scratching their heads. Today three columns appear in the media on this issue: "New Campaign for Democrats: Unity", "The Dem's Appearance of Unity", and "What it will take for Democrats to Unite".


While there is all the talk on unity, here is a column on how Obama can still lose. As the election nears, voters will want to hear solutions and not spin on the issues facing them today. Whether it is the economy, rising energy costs, health care, the war in Iraq, or affordable college tuition, voters will begin the tune in more clearly prior to making their decision.


Ohio remains close between Obama and Clinton - A SurveyUSA poll shows Obama with 48% and McCain with 46%. The margin of error is 4.2% so this is virtually a tie. Ohio is one of the swing states Obama must win in November - John Kerry lost the state in 2004 and with it, the election. Read more here.


David Plouffle, Obama campaign manager sends email to supporters explaining their campaign strategy and asking for their support. - This is a great approach to reach voters while also asking for financial help for the campaign. View campaign strategy video here.

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