
Friday, June 27, 2008

Democratic Campaign Chatter 6-27-2008

The Energy debate in Congress goes nowhere - The New York Times has a good read here. Much discussion, but little action on rising energy prices. As we witnessed over the last decade the move by some states to deregulate the electric market backfired with rising costs for consumers and a delivery system that is shaky, at best. It is time for congress to examine regulating the entire energy market - the incredible profits being made by the oil industry on a commodity everyone needs in order to survive is indeed troublesome and needs to end.


Barack and Michelle do what they have asked others to do - Both donated $2,300 to the Clinton campaign to help retire her debt. This is the maximum allowed for an individual. Read more here. Last night a private fundraiser was held in D.C. to introduce Obama to wealthy Clinton donors with mixed results - read more here.


The Senate passes supplemental bill - this was in addition to the 165 Billion that was approved for the military for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. As rumored, the GI Bill, extension of unemployment benefits, and flood relief all received funding. Medicare legislation to prevent a 10.6% pay cut to physicians failed. Read more here. FISA will be taken up on July 8.


Today, Clinton joins Obama in Unity, New Hampshire - Their first joint campaign event will be held at a elementary school at 11:00 AM ET. Read more here.


Obama reaches out to Gay community - last night, Michelle Obama addressed the Gay and Lesbian Leadership Council at a Gala in New York City. Read more here.


More bad news on the economy - yesterday, the Dow Jones fell 350 points adding concern to a shaky economy. Consumers continue to scale back and as prices rise, so does their anxiety. People are not going out to eat as often as they were and when they go to the grocery store, each week they see price increases. The next two months will be critical to examine - if unemployment increases during a time when jobs increase traditionally over the summer, watch out. Read more here.

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