
Thursday, June 26, 2008

Democratic Campaign Chatter 6-26-2008

David Plouffe, campaign manager for the Obama campaign outlines his strategy for victory in November - One step involves holding on to the 20 states and 252 electoral votes John Kerry won in 2004. 270 electoral votes are needed to win. Read more here. Remember to check often the site "Electoral Vote Predictor" - we have their link in the right hand margin of our home page. The numbers change as days go by. Today, they have Obama with 328 electoral votes, McCain with 183 electoral votes with 27 ties. Stay tuned for this will change.


"... Is it because he wants to talk white?..." - this was part of the discussion from Ralph Nader as he was talking about Obama. Nader, who is running for President, was asking why Obama has not been talking about the economic exploitation of the ghettos. Nader gained a lot of respect from his years as being a consumer advocate and especially his book in the 60's entitled "Not Safe at any Speed" when he wrote about the dangers of the rear engine Corvair. Nader was also accused of being one of the reasons Bush won in 2000 as his Independent run for President received votes that may have gone to Gore. Read more here.


Obama in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania today - at 9:00 AM ET, he will meet with business and labor leaders as he winds down his economic tour. Read more here. Although, he has made a concentrated effort over the last couple of weeks to discuss his plans for our ailing economic, the average voter is just not paying attention right now.


Obama and Clinton camps continue to unify - Interesting article in the New York Times today about how lawyer Robert Barnett is helping merge the two campaigns. Read it here.


What does Patriotism mean? - Time magazine has essays from Obama and Clinton. - read here Some Republicans try to make this an issue in every election and attacks have already been made on Obama pertaining to the wearing of an American flag lapel, etc.


Will Colin Powell endorse Obama? - Robert Novak has a column in the Washington Post today - read it here. Remember Colin Powell was Secretary of State in the first term of the George W. Bush administration. Some have said he was "used" by the Bush administration to argue the urgency and the need to go to war with Iraq to the U.N. Powell has bipartisan respect and support so his endorsement of Obama would be huge.

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