
Friday, June 20, 2008

Democratic Campaign Chatter 6-20-2008

Yesterday, the House approved 186.5B war appropriations bill. - In a two-part vote, the Democrats voted against the Iraq funding 151-80 but it still passed 268-155. The next vote which included GI benefits, unemployment aid, foreign aid, and disaster relief passed 416-12. This now brings the total funding of the Iraq war since 2003 to 650B. Read more here.

Still to be voted on is the FISA extension. Senators Chris Dodd (Conn.) and Pat Leahy (Vt.) are not happy with the compromise language pertaining to immunity to telecoms for cooperating with government worked out by Rep. Steny Hoyer (Md) in the House. Democracy for America (DFA) has just sent out an email to their members from Charles Chamberline, political director for DFA, urging members to call Speaker Nancy Pelosi to say no to this bill. This vote is to take place today in the House. Read more here.


Clinton to join Obama on the campaign trail next week - After taking a short time to decompress after a hard fought and historical primary, Senator Clinton will join Obama next week on June 27. This is a welcomed move by Clinton and not one that is easy, after losing such a close primary race for the Democratic party nomination. The Obama campaign said they would release more details soon. Read more here.


More Veepstakes gossip - At a meeting yesterday with the Congressional Black Caucus, Representative Carolyn Cheeks (Mich) said she asked if John Edwards and Sam Nunn were on the short list and was told yes. Although former Georgia Senator Sam Nunn has solid foreign policy experience, at 70 he does not fit the image of change. Although John Edwards was the VP just four years ago and initially indicated he was not interested, he does match up well with Obama. Read more here.


Scott McClellan testifies in front of House Judiciary Committee - The former White House Press Secretary under the George W. Bush administration is testifying now. One of the areas of interest is the outing of Valarie Plame and was this done to discredit her husband Joseph Wilson. The Dallas News has some live-blogging here.


Obama continues his economic tour meeting with Democratic Governors this morning - In Chicago, he will discuss his plans to change the economic policies of the last eight years under the Bush administration. Read more here.


Sierra Club to endorse Obama Friday - Carl Pope, their executive director, announced their support and forthcoming endorsement. The Sierra Club has 1.3 million members and is considered the largest of the grassroots environment organizations. This endorsement follows Senator McCain's announcement that he wanted to end the off-shore and arctic ban on oil drilling. Read more here.

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