
Monday, June 16, 2008

Democratic Campaign Chatter 6-16-2008

The results of our poll asking who would you pick as Obama's VP had the following results: Governor Bill Richardson (N.M.) - 35%, Senator Joe Biden (Del.) -23%, Senator Hillary Clinton (NY) - 23%, Governor Kathleen Sebelius (Kan.) - 11% and Other - 5%. If a woman is chosen, expect it to be Clinton. Richardson would be a solid choice and would help with the Hispanic/Latino vote. Our polls are not scientific and are based on the viewers of our website who choose to participate.


On Fathers Day, Obama gives speech in Chicago Church on importance of fatherhood and addressing absent African-American Fathers. watch video here . Here is Text of Speech.


Many ways to get to the 270 electoral votes needed to win in November says David Plouffle, the campaign manager of the Obama campaign. He discusses that while Florida and Ohio are key states, they can win without them. He explains he believes the electoral map in November will look much different than it did in 2004 and that they have a 50 state strategy. Don't underestimate Plouffle - it was his strategy and understanding of the complex Democratic Party primary rules and caucus states that led to Obama's win over Clinton. Read more here.


Obama continues Economic Tour - Is in Flint, Michigan today - he will discuss his plan to keep U.S. competitive in Global economy in a speech at 11:45 AM ET. Read more here.


McCain fails to win women supporters - He obviously is trying to win the support of some of the women who supported Clinton but these women know his position on women's rights. The L.A. Times has a good read entitled "Women voters lining up behind Obama".


The use of the Internet by individuals to get information on the Presidential election doubles since 2004. This, according to a survey by Pew Internet & American Life Project. Read more here.


How many Senate seats will Democrats pick up in November? Democrats currently hold a slim 51-49 majority in the senate with Independent Joementum from Connecticut often voting with the Democrats. Expectations range from 3-7 the number of seats the democrats may win. Read more here.

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