
Thursday, May 8, 2008

Democratic Campaign Chatter 5-8-2008

George Wenschhof

Video - NBC's Brian Williams interviews Senator Barack Obama today for one hour.

As one would expect, there is much speculation surrounding the continuation of Senator Hillary Clinton's campaign for the democratic party nomination.

Today, David Bonier, the campaign manager for John Edwards, announced his support of Senator Barack Obama. John Edwards will appear on the "Today Show" tomorrow - will he also endorse Obama? Maybe and maybe not - seems his wife likes Clinton's health care program better -as a couple they are split as to who to support - not unlike many democratic voters.

One rumor has the Obama campaign agreeing to help retire the debt of the Clinton campaign for her graceful exit. At this point, it is being reported that the Clinton campaign is in debt and also Senator Clinton has lent over 10 million to the campaign.

It is being reported that Clinton is also speaking of her "white support", citing the winning of white voters without a college degree in Indiana. Both Bill and Hillary also continue to point out that if the democratic party had been following the same rules as the republican party, a winner takes all in the delegate award process, Clinton would be ahead today in delegates - they are right about that.

Meanwhile, the Obama campaign intends to declare victory on May 20th. They feel they will have won a majority of the pledged delegates after the Oregon and Kentucky primaries on the 20th. Of course they are not counting the superdelegates which are including in the democratic party process in nominating the candidate.

Former President Jimmy Carter says Florida and Michigan should not count for they disqualified themselves and a prominent Clinton supporter calls for a revote. Not to be left out, Senator Clinton writes a letter today to Senator Obama asking that he work with her, the DNC, Michigan and Florida representatives to resolve this issue.

Uncommitted Florida superdelegates met with Senator Obama who vows to seat Florida delegates and Forida representatives send letter to Howard Dean, DNC chair.

One thing is certain - the democratic party needs to review and revise the nomination process prior to the beginning of the 2012 campaign.

Stay Tuned

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