
Saturday, May 3, 2008

Sunday Morning 5-4-2008 "Talking Heads"

This looks like a fun Sunday morning to tune in, drink your coffee, eat a bagel, and watch the pundits have at it.

The democratic party candidates both appear, with Senator Barack Obama on NBC's 'Meet the Press" and Senator Hillary Clinton on ABC's This Week"

Sure to be discussed will be the recent speeches by Reverend Wright and the Obama speech denouncing Wright. Also look for discussion of the proposal by Clinton to suspend the gas tax. Obama will say it does nothing to help the current rising cost of gas at the pumps and that it mirrors a proposal by republican Senator John McCain. In addition the delegate count watch will continue with speculation as to how both the democratic candidates will do on Tuesday when North Carolina and Indiana hold their primaries.

I believe I also read where Senator Clinton purchased time on ABC to televise a 'Town Hall" meeting in Indiana with voters asking her questions.

Fox News Sunday continues their interviews with prominent democrats. After Obama and Clinton, they now have the embattled chair of the democratic national committee (DNC), Howard Dean. In a time when democrats are contributing in record numbers, the DNC is broke so expect a question as to why? Also expect plenty of questions pertaining to the convoluted democratic party method of securing the party nomination as well as why the DNC chose to strip Michigan and Florida of their delegates.

CBS "Face the Nation" has several democrats: Indiana Senator Evan Bayh, South Carolina representative Jim Clyburn, and former Virginia Governor and current Richmond Mayor Doug Wilder.

To read a complete rundown of the Sunday morning shows read The Politico "Sunday talk show tip sheet".

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