
Saturday, May 3, 2008

Obama and Clinton Split Guam's 4 Delegates

With 95% reporting in Guam, Obama is leading Clinton 53% to 47%. The vote count is 1951 for Obama and 1748 for Clinton. This assures the 4 delegates from Guam will be split between the two candidates. In yet another oddity of the democratic primary nomination process, Guam also has 5 superdelegates. They are the only U.S. territory or state with more superdelegates then pledged delegates. Pledged delegates are won by the vote while superdelegates are free to vote for whatever candidate they choose.

Interestingly, another U.S. territory whose residents can not vote in the general election is Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico may become pivotal in determining the democratic party presidential nominee when they hold their primary on June 1, 2008. Puerto Rico has 55 pledged delegates and 8 superdelegates.

Another unknown is what's the story with the Michigan and Florida superdelegates? The Democratic National Committee (DNC) stripped these two states of their delegates as a sanction for holding their primaries earlier than they approved. It is now widely known that the 128 pledged delegates from Michigan and the 185 pledged delegates from Florida will not be able to be counted for either Obama or Clinton.

But what about the superdelegates from these two states? Michigan has 28 and Florida has 25. These 53 superdelegates could also be crucial in determining the nominee. Will the DNC allow these superdelegates to vote and be counted?

The democratic party has what is arguably the most convoluted system that could possibly exist which they use to determine the democratic party presidential nominee. Let's hope that immediately following the general election in November, the DNC appoints a representative committee to review and make changes to this process.

8:00 PM ET Update - Final Vote was Obama - 2264, Clinton - 2257. A seven vote win by Obama - delegate split remains the same.

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