
Friday, May 30, 2008

Democratic Campaign Chatter 5-30-2008

Geraldine Ferraro, the vice-presidential candidate with Walter Mondale, continues to stoke the political fires with claims of media and party bias based on sex. Read more Here. She fails to understand that many Democratic voters are drawn to support Senator Obama because of his message and are not sexist because they do not support Senator Clinton. Some would argue Ferraro is as bad for Clinton as the Reverend Wright has been for Obama.


Speaking of Reverend Wright, a guest minister at Chicago's Trinity United Church, Michael Pfleger had unflattering words to say about Clinton - watch video here. Obama issued a statement saying he was disappointed in the comments and Pfleger issued an apology - read here.


McClellan, a miserable creature - or so Bob Dole thinks. The former Republican Senate Majority leader and a candidate for President apparently did not like the recent tell-all book released by former George W. Bush WH Press Secretary Scott McClellan. Read more here.


As one might have suspected, the Clinton campaign has sent a letter to the DNC Rules & Bylaws Committee from their legal counsel, Lyn Utrecht. This letter claims the committee has the right to seat all the delegates contrary to the previous advise the committee members received from the DNC legal counsel. Here is the Letter. Remember, if all the delegates were restored Clinton would still need to win 72.5% of the new remaining delegate total which is highly unlikely.


Meanwhile, the Obama/McCain camps are battling over a comment made by Senator McCain that the troop levels in Iraq were back to the pre-surge levels. Senator Obama has accurately pointed out this is not correct. McCain also catches flack from Sen. John Kerry for using a picture of General Petraus in a fund raising letter. Read more here.


An interesting article here indicates the election in Puerto Rico will only attract 25% of the voters. Their primary was changed from caucuses to be held on June 7 to an open primary in which anyone can vote, regardless of political party to occur this Sunday, June 1. Puerto Rico has 55 delegates and 8 superdelegates.

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