
Monday, May 19, 2008

Democratic Campaign Chatter 5-19-2008

Yep, there are two primaries tomorrow - in Kentucky (51 delegates) and Oregon (52 delegates). We will live-blog as the returns come in tomorrow night. A poll conducted by Suffolk University from May 17 to May 18 shows Oregon: Obama 45, Clinton 41 with 8 undecided, Kentucky: Clinton 51, Obama 28 with 11 undecided.

Yesterday, Senator Barack Obama drew a record estimated crowd of 75,000 to a rally in Portland, Oregon. The Huffington Post has a video and slide show. has a article today about how Obama will not declare victory tomorrow night at a planned rally in Iowa. This is probably a good decision for it allows for a more graceful exit by Senator Hillary Clinton after the end of the democratic primary schedule on June 3rd.

The NY Times has a good read today entitled "Gender Issue Lives On as Clinton's Hopes Dim" How will Democratic women vote in November if Obama is the nominee?

For those who believe in the dream ticket of Obama-Clinton, here is a video of a portion of "Meet the Press" yesterday where Democratic strategist Bob Shrum and Republican strategist Mike Murphy both said no way.

Senator Kennedy who is reportedly resting comfortably, remains in Massachusetts General Hospital for further tests to help determine what caused his seizure. CNN has an update

Yesterday, while discussing an important issue to all Americans, Obama is critical of McCain and his support of privatizing Social Security. The Baltimore Sun has a good read. This also continues the recent attempts by Obama to paint Senator McCain, his apparent opponent in November, as being a continuation of President George W. Bush - who also favors social security privatization.

Current total delegate count by is Obama 1900 and Clinton 1718.

Stay tuned

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