
Saturday, April 5, 2008

Sunday Morning 4-6-08 "Talking Heads"

Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.) who was the Democratic party nominee for President in 2004 will be on "Fox News Sunday". He will be joined by Arizona Senator John McCain, the presumptive Republican party nominee for President this year.

Howard Dean will be on "This Week" and "Face the Nation". He is sure to be grilled, as he should be, on the current quagmire surrounding the seating of Florida and Michigan delegates at the Democratic party national convention in Denver at the end of August. Dean has changed his tune this week and has been quoted as saying he is working on a plan to seat these delegates.

"Late Edition" will have Martin Luther King III. It is hard to believe 40 years have passed since his father was assassinated. John Murtha a democratic representative from Pennsylvania who supports Senator Clinton will also be interviewed. Senator Chris Dodd who was a candidate for the democratic party nomination for President and is chair of the Senate Banking Committee will discuss the compromise bill on the current housing mortgage debacle.

"Meet the Press" has Clinton supporter Pa. Governor Ed Rendell and Pa. Senator Bob Casey who recently endorsed Obama.

Expect a lot to be discussed pertaining the release of the Clinton tax returns: After 24 hours of review, interesting tidbits may be disclosed and discussed.

Also look to see what is said by Obama and Clinton surrogates in regard to the recent meeting with Columbian officials by Clinton campaign strategist Mark Penn. Although he has apologized, the likelihood of an exit from the Clinton campaign by Penn is high, whether it is voluntary or not.

For a complete rundown read Sunday talk show tip sheet:

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