
Saturday, April 26, 2008

Sunday Morning 4-27-2008 "Talking Heads"

CNN's "Late Edition" will discuss the nuclear reactor situation in Syria who reportedly received aid from North Korea. Also sure to be discussed will be the potential of Iran developing a nuclear weapons program. Democratic California Senator Dianne Feinstein and Republican representative from Michigan Pete Hoekstra will be guests.

NBC "Meet the Press" has Democratic National Committee (DNC) chair, Howard Dean. The punitive action taken by the DNC to strip the delgates from Michigan (156 delegates) and Florida ( 210 delegates) will go down in history as one of the most colossal mistakes ever made by the DNC. Dean will surely talk about how he wants the remaining 300 uncommitted superdelegates to commit no later than the end of June.

If neither Clinton or Obama withdraw by the end of the primary sechedule on June 3rd, it is almost impossible for either one to have won the 2025 delegates needed to secure the nomination. So the superdelegates will determine the democratic party nominee. Perhaps Howard Dean will be asked why he put off scheduling a DNC hearing of appeals on Michigan and Florida until May 31st.

"Fox News Sunday" finally has Obama who they have been trying to have appear for some time. This will be interesting to see how Senator Obama handles this interview. Surely all the gotcha moments of the campaign so far will be revisited including the Reverend Wright speeches as Wright was interviewed by Bill Moyers Friday night.

CBS "Face the Nation" will have strategists Howard Wolfson - Clinton and David Axelrod - Obama. Last Sunday on "Meet the Press" Axelrod faced off against Geoff Garin. Garin, who at least on paper, replaced Mark Penn who was demoted? - did not fare well against Axelrod so it is no surprise that Wolfson is replacing him this week on the talk shows.

ABC 'This Week" will have Senator Evan Bayh of Indiana who supports Clinton and former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle who has endorsed Obama.

For a complete rundown of the Sunday morning talk shows check out's "Sunday talk show tip sheet".

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