
Saturday, April 12, 2008

Sunday Morning 4-13-08 "Talking Heads"

The legislation submitted by the Bush administration on Colombia-U.S. trade will most likely be discussed on CBS "Face the Nation". One of the guests will be Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi who surely will be asked about her recent actions in the House. A recent vote promoted by her, suspended the requirement of the House to vote on a submitted bill within 60 days much to the chagrin of President Bush.

This bill has also caused turmoil in the Clinton campaign. Former President Bill Clinton supports the legislation and the Clinton chief campaign strategist ( why is he still working on her campaign?). Mark Penn was demoted after it was leaked that he was on the payroll of officials from Colombia supporting this bill. This, while Senator Hillary Clinton has publicly opposed it.

ABC "This Week" will have former president Jimmy Carter and Stephen Hadley a national security adviser to President Bush. Sure to be discussed here is Carter's intent to travel to Syria where he may meet with Hamas leaders. Former Republican House Leader Newt Gingrich has expressed his displeasure of this action and said if Carter makes the trip, he should be banned from the democratic national convention.

"Fox News Sunday" will have Clinton supporter Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter and former Democratic Senator Tom Daschle (S.D.), a Obama supporter. Obama has narrowed the lead to 47-43 in the latest Zogby Poll as the PA. primary nears on the 22nd. The latest media generated flap has been over some statements made by Senator Barack Obama pertaining to small town PA. voters so expect this to be discussed.

On CNN "late Edition" Wolf Blitzer will have Senator Joe Biden (D-Del.) and Dick Lugar (R-IN.) Sure to be discussed will be the recent testimony by General Petraus on the Iraq war status. Also appearing will be Senator "Joementum" Lieberman (I-Conn.) who supports McCain and Senator Robert Casey (D-Pa) who supports Obama.

Also look to see if there will be any discussion on any of the talk shows of the meetings of the Bush administration at the White House determining what torture techniques were allowable?

For a complete run down of the Sunday morning shows check out "Sunday talk show tip sheet".

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