
Thursday, March 27, 2008

Will Indictment of Puerto Rico Governor Impact Democratic Race?

Puerto Rico Governor Anibal Acevedo Vila has been indicted on charges of public corruption by the U.S. Justice Department.

On February 13th, the Governor endorsed Senator Barack Obama. Although the residents of Puerto Rico can not vote in the U.S. national election, they are able to weigh in during the democratic party primary.

Puerto Rico has a total of 55 pledged delegates and 8 superdelegates with Governor Vila being one of the superdelegates. Vila's endorsement was expected to aid in Senator Obama winning the majority of these delegates.

In a little publicized move that I reported on earlier, Puerto Rico changed from a caucus form of primary to a traditional vote and moved their primary from June 7th to June 1st. This move was expected to aid Senator Hillary Clinton who has not fared well in the caucuses to date.

Realizing the importance of Puerto Rico in her bid to obtain the democratic party nomination for president, Clinton has given attention to Puerto Rico.

Stay Tuned

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