
Saturday, March 22, 2008

Will Clinton or Obama Win 2025 Delgates?

George Wenschhof

Today the current total delegate count is Obama - 1628 and Clinton - 1496 with 2025 needed to secure the democratic party nomination.

The lead by Obama expands to 1414 compared to 1246 for Clinton among pledged delegates won by results of the votes in each state.

Clinton's lead among super delegates has narrowed to 250 to 214 for Obama.

There are eight states, Guam and Puerto Rico left in the democratic primary schedule with 568 delegates at stake. There also seems to be 331 of the 796 superdelegates who have not committed to a candidate.

Senator Clinton would have to win 60% of the 899 remaining pledged (568) and uncommitted superdelegates (331) to win. This would give her a total of 2035 and Obama would have 1987.

Interestingly, there is a remote mathematical possibility that neither candidate would reach the 2025 needed to win the nomination even with the superdelegates.

The delegate numbers are from

The inability of either candidate to reach the 2025 needed would make the sanctions by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) stripping Florida and Michigan of their delegates an even more ridiculous move than it already is.

Senator Clinton's hopes to catch up in delegates suffered another blow after attempts in both Michigan and Florida to hold do-over primaries, failed for a myriad of reasons.

Senator Clinton has tried to exploit this unfortunate situation by pointing fingers at the lack of cooperation by the Obama campaign in achieving these do-over primaries.

Meanwhile, Obama has a clear cash on hand advantage over the Clinton campaign. Although there is plenty of time to raise funds between the dates of the remaining primaries.

Here is a article in which points out that Senator Clinton's chances are slim at winning the nomination.

However, many things, both at the domestic level and international arena can happen between now and the democratic convention the end of August that can impact on the democratic nomination for president. I would not count Senator Clinton out just yet.

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