
Friday, February 1, 2008

More Endorsements for Obama

The California chapter of the SEIU with 650,000 members endorsed Obama. They had previously pledged their support to John Edwards who recently suspended his campaign.

Also with 1.7 million members in the 22 states who are holding primaries on Tuesday endorsed Obama.

In addition, actor George Clooney joined Oprah in endorsing Obama.

The edge on Tuesday still goes to Clinton with institutional support on her side and the "Draw" in the debate last night helped her more than Obama. Tuesday is definitely going to be interesting. If I had to put a number on the delegate split right now - I would say 60% Clinton - 40% Obama. With 31/2 days to go though, anything can happen. Stay Tuned!

1 comment:

  1. That does it for me and Obama; I will never vote a candidate endorsed by MoveOn.
