
Thursday, January 24, 2008

Will Edwards Surprise in S. Carolina?

George Wenschhof

Senator Obama had a large 15 point lead in the Polls over Senator Clinton prior to their rumble in the Myrtle Beach debate last Monday. Voters who were watching the debate had to be asking themselves who is benefiting from this nonsense?

Former President Bill Clinton was dispatched to S. Carolina to continue vying with Obama for the African-American vote which may make up as much as 50% of the voters in the Democratic primary Saturday.

The hard nosed politics has continued between the two front runners with Bill Clinton getting into arguments with a CNN reporter and the Obama campaign sending out emails from Michelle Obama appealing for funds to fight back against the untruths of the Clintons.

Meanwhile the Edwards campaign is hoping voters will begin to look at him. His positions of helping the less fortunate and opposing fund raising from lobbyists and corporate interests is certainly appealing to Democrats.

You can click on this link to read Real Clear Politics list of S. Carolina polls by date:

The polls will most likely show a tightening in the race and sure enough a Mason - Dixon poll just released today:
shows Obama - 38%, Clinton - 30%, Edwards - 19% with 13% undecided.

Stayed tuned for how the undecided vote in this primary promises to offer a wild finish. Edwards picked up 6 points and if he is able to pull off an upset and finish second in S. Carolina, the Clinton spin machine would be put to an even tougher test.

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