
Sunday, January 27, 2008

MD 6th District Democratic Candidate Online Debate - Submit Your Questions Here!

The time period for submitting questions is now closed - thanks to all of you who submitted questions! We will post the questions selected and the answers by the candidates on Feb 8th.

Beginning today and continuing until 5:00 PM on Sunday January 27th, we will be accepting your questions to be asked of the Maryland 6th District Democratic candidates. The 6th District is a huge geographical area and is comprised of all or parts of eight counties in the state, (All of Garrett, Allegany, Washington, Frederick, and Carroll, along with part of Baltimore, Harford, and Montgomery). We wanted to give you an opportunity to ask them a question from the comfort of your home and have them answer your question.

The five Democratic candidates are Robin Deibert, Jennifer Dougherty, Andrew Duck, Rick Lank, and Larry Smith. The links to their campaign web sites are in the right hand margin of my site so please go click on them and read about their positions on the issues. The winner of the Maryland Democratic primary held on February 12, 2008 will most likely go on to face ineffective eight term Republican incumbent Roscoe Bartlett who is facing opponents in the Republican primary.

They have all agreed to answer the questions we submit to them from you. We will post their answers and the questions you ask on the site February 8, 2008.

Here are the rules:

Submit your question by clicking on "comment" at the end of this post by 5:00 PM Sunday January 27, 2008. If you have any trouble with submitting your question after clicking on "comment", then click on "need help posting your comment?" on the top of our Home Page.

All of the submitted questions will be displayed in the "comment' area of this post so look at the ones submitted prior to yours so you do not repeat a question.

We encourage you to include your name and the name of the town within the 6th district you live in or the town that is closest to where you live. At the very least, indicate the county in which you live. We would love to have questions submitted from voters all over the District and this information will help us see where the questions are coming from.

You may submit more than one question, but we will most likely only use one from a person. We encourage you to submit questions addressed to a specific candidate. However, we will accept a question you would like all the candidates to answer.

Do not use excessive foul or abusive language or attack a candidate personally. We will not publish them and therefore they will not be considered for submitting to the candidates.

After 5:00 PM Sunday the 27th, we will choose from among the questions submitted and send each candidate five of your questions. They will send their responses to us and we will post your questions and their answers on the site February 8, 2008.

Thank you for participating in this online Debate with the Democratic candidates for the House 6th District seat. Please remember to vote on February 12th!


  1. After campaigning, your voting on the big overriding issues will likely be fairly self evident, but as a new Congressperson, even in a Democratic majority, where will you make an individual impact, what specific appointments or committees memberships will you seek out, and how will those choices correspond to serving the Sixth District constituency?

  2. Do you favor mandating that individuals purchase private health insurance? If so, how do you propose to enforce it: garnishing of wages, jail?

  3. I live in downtown Frederick where I can easily walk to the post office, library, parks, shops and restaurants. When I try to leave Frederick, my car must join all the other cars stuck in the traffic congestion surrounding Frederick. What will you do to improve public transportation options, especially rail transportation? Can you explain why the last train to Union Station leaves Frederick at 7:10AM and why there are no express trains and why there are no trains on weekends?

  4. What economic enhancements do you envision for Cumberland, Md - it has an infrastructure base and population, but needs jobs and economic vitality - how about a BRAC type vision of placing soem Federal agencies there?

  5. Washington Co. - What is you stance on the hiring of illegal immigrants, and what type of punshment if any would you suggest to impose on corporations that violate the hiring of illegal aliens. Finally what method would you use to keep jobs in this country and help close the boarders?

  6. Today, 1-23-08, the House failed to override the 2nd Bush veto of SCHIP. Incumbent Republican Congressman Bartlett has supported Bush's position on this Bill. What is your position on this Bill and if elected what would you do to encourage passage?

  7. Cumberland, MD - What is your stance on stem cell research?

  8. Frederick County - Would you support a withdraw of U.S. troops from Iraq by the end of 2009?

  9. for Larry Smith - do you support the second amendment?

  10. The credibility of the Congress has certainly been in question since they came into power in 2006. How can you help restore the missing integrity and honesty to the Congress, that the American people deserve?

  11. How would you support shoring up Social Security?

  12. What is your position with regard to the expansion of bio-labs at Ft. Detrick?

  13. I'd like to know how each candidate feels about FISA and impeachment.

  14. this question is for Jennifer Dougherty You were defeated in your democratic primary for reelection to mayor of frederick after only one term. then you offered no support to the democratic nominee ron young who was defeated in a close race with current republican mayor jeff holtzinger. What makes you think you would be a better democratic candidate against Roscoe bartlett then andrew duck who did well as the democratic nominee in 2004?

  15. After looking at your website Mr. Duck it seems that you have all the endorsements?! But after looking at everyone else's site, no one else has ANY listed. So, I did some research. Found out that several of your endorsements are old or were received before any of the other candidates announced. So, my question to you is: Which endorsements did you receive after all the candidates announced? And did they have ample time to apply for these endorsements?

  16. Washington County Hospital is relocating to Robinwood Drive. Do You support this move? Do You support partial federal funding of the new hospital's construction costs? If so, what do you propose to do with the old hospital in downtown Hagerstown? Would you be willing to try to work to get it designated as a Super Fund site to encourage development there?

  17. Hagerstown - This question is to Larry Smith. On your website you mention that you are a 3rd generation military veteran. I feel the current veterans health care is far less than adequate, and often a shameful token we provide to those who faught to keep us free. What changes would you propose to the current plan, and how would you try to implement those changes?

  18. Frostburg - This question is for all the candidates. Should we eliminate "No Child Left Behind?

  19. LaVale - As it seems that wages are becoming flat and it is increasingly difficult to save money what options would you provide to students who are looking to further their education?

  20. Smithsburg - I have reviewed all of the candidate web sites and did not find a great deal of information concerning educational backgrounds. What College, Degrees, etc. did each of the candidates receive?

  21. Children are the future. What are some specific community service items that you have done that show you understand our children and families?

  22. For all the Candidates: What are the top three issues facing Americans today and if elected, what do you propose to do in regard to each one?

  23. Westminster - Question to all candidates.... What are the main problems with the economy, and how do we fix them?

  24. Carroll County - What kind of leader are you? This is to all candidates
