
Monday, January 7, 2008

DNC Strips Michigan of Delegates Over Primary Date Squabble

George Wenschhof

Like an angry Parent, the Democratic National Committee stripped Michigan from it's delegates. This means Michigan joins Florida as being irrelevant during Democratic National Convention when the Democrats officially nominate their candidate for President.

Michigan's primary is scheduled for the 15th and Florida is scheduled for the 29th of January. Neither received approval from the DNC to schedule their primaries prior to February 5th when close to half of the states will hold their primaries.

Interestingly, Clinton kept her name on the ballot in Michigan while Obama, Edwards, and Richardson all removed their names. Looks like she'll get a win in Michigan although Kucinich and Gravel also left their names on the ballot.

CQPolitics has a story on this. Click here to read in full.

The Democratic National Convention is scheduled for August 25-28th in Denver, Colorado.

1 comment:

  1. What kind of sense does this make? Aren't earlier caucuses better? And, if so, why aren't the early spots made available by random draw early enough for planning purposes? Keeping delegates out would seem to be too undemocratic for a democratic party!
