
Friday, December 28, 2007

Bush to Veto Defense Authorization Bill

Politico has a story on this latest move by President George W. Bush. Click here to read in full:

Reportedly, a provision buried in the Bill would allow victims of state sponsored terrorism to sue countries for damages. The Iraq government fearful of lawsuits stemming from the Sadamm Hussein regime lobbied Bush for removal of this provision with the threat of removing 25 Billion of Iraq assets from U.S. Banks.

Seems like yet another example of a misguided U.S. foreign policy under the Bush administration.

1 comment:

  1. So the needs of the troops Bush has sent into harm's way are now subordinate to the needs of the Iraqi government?

    Wasn't it due to slow passage of this bill that the Army and Marines were sending out layoff notices to civilian employees?

    Either this bill had to be passed before Congress adjourned so that the military could have what it needed, or it didn't. I would say "you can't have it both ways", but, of course, you can if you are George Bush.
