
Saturday, November 17, 2007

MD House Committee Moves Slots Companion Bill to Floor for Vote

Maryland State Senate President Thomas "Mike" Miller reportedly said he would not take up the Slots referendum bill sent over by the House until the companion bill which provides the enabling legislation for Slots is heard by the State House of Representatives.

The Baltimore Sun just reported that the Maryland House committee reviewing the companion Bill on Slots has voted it out of committee with a 14-5 vote and a full House vote is expected later this afternoon.

This Bill is not a constitutional amendment and will only require a majority vote (71 of 141) Delegates in the House to pass. If the House approves and sends to the Senate, the reconciliation of the two companion Bills will most likely follow leading to final passage of the Slots referendum.

For the complete Baltimore Sun story click here:,0,3076973.story?coll=bal_tab01_layout

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