
Sunday, November 18, 2007

March on Justice Department Rewarding

Guy Djoken

On Friday, the Frederick County Chapter of the NAACP and the Western Maryland delegation joined in "The March Against "Hate Crimes".

Over 100 busloads of people showed up at the Justice Department in Washington to demand federal intervention in the number of Hate crimes that have been spreading over the country since Jena Six case and stepped-up enforcement. Members of the Frederick, Washington and Carroll NAACP chapters took part in the demonstration. Speakers of the event included Reverend Al Sharpton and Martin Luther King III.

Once in Washington, our delegation melted in the sea of protesters coming from all over the country. I was personally confronted by a lady demanding that the NAACP to do more to "Save and protect us from the Jim Crows of the 21 Century". After listening carefully and patiently to her grievances, I told her that together, we shall overcome. The rest of the day went smoothly as we marched over to the Justice Department.

Several protesters had banners congratulating new Attorney General Michael B. Mukasey on his new job and demanding that he step up and do the right thing. For many of us, Attorney General Michael B. Mukasey proved to be far much better that former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, when word got out on the following statement he issued - Click on link to read in full:

Among other priorities, we demand that the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, which has enforced the nation's anti-discrimination laws for nearly half a century, be rehabilitated and staff with fair, balanced, reputable and experienced lawyers that were turn away. The legacy of Mr. Gonzales will be forever linked to the ousting of the dozens of veteran lawyers who had to leave under his watch and the damage to morale he caused for many of those who remain in the Department.

Our group got back in Frederick around 5pm, proud for being a part of this great demonstration and happy to know that in his statement, Mr. Mukasey stated that "The Justice Department shares with those who demonstrate today their objective of bringing to justice those who commit criminal acts of hate; it shares their vision of eradicating hate in our society."

We wish Mr. Mukasey good luck on his new job and hope that his actions in the next few months will keep us from marching again in DC anytime soon.

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