
Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Ft.Detrick Expansion in Frederick, Md. Questioned

Over 50 people showed up to give testimony in front of the Frederick County Commissioners last night concerning the planned expansion of the biological research facility located on the grounds of Fort Detrick.

Absent from the conversation was any representative from the U.S. government or Fort Detrick. Their reported reason for not attending was they had already complied with all rules and regulations pertaining to providing testimony to the public.

At the end of the evening only four individuals had spoken in favor of the expansion, one of whom was a former US Army commander of the installation.

The rest of the testimony centered around whether the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) prepared by the U.S. government failed to show sufficient study had been made as to alternative sites for conducting biological weapons defense research.

Beth Willis and Barry Kissin, a local activist and attorney requested the Frederick County Commissioners file for a court review of the process. This request was echoed by the majority of those testifying.

Fort Detrick was a former site of biological warfare research before being shut down by President Richard Nixon and is located in the City of Frederick, one of the fastest growing cities in the state.


  1. Commentary on the FNP Forums (Local Politics, "Notice of Public Forum") was almost universally against the meeting...for what that's worth.

  2. Thanks, I went and checked it out and you were right. However, it appears the many comments were from only three people.
