
Wednesday, November 7, 2007

DFA Democratic Presidential Primary Pulse Poll

Yesterday I received a email from Democracy for America and the results of their Poll of 150,000 internet voters on the Democratic Presidential Primary candidates is surprising. Congressman Dennis Kucinich (Ohio) won with 33% yet he is barely registering in other national polls.

The second highest vote went to former Vice-President Al Gore who is not even a declared candidate. DFA Political Director, Charles Chamberline even speculates about Al Gore's appearance on Jay Leno tomorrow evening - will Gore run?

Senator Hillary Clinton (NY) who is leading the other national polls came in fifth with only 4.21%. Former Senator John Edwards was third with 15.6% and Senator Barrack Obama (Illinois) was fourth with 13.86%.

When you click on the link provided you can see the complete results and they even have a interactive map of the United States so you can see how their members voted by state. You can see the results by clicking on the following link:

The success the Dean for America web-site experienced in reaching out and engaging voters by way of the internet was continued by the creation of Democracy for America after former Governor Howard Dean (Vt.) dropped out of the race for President in the 2004 election.

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