
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Lineup

George Wenschhof

Expect more on the Republican presidential race with appearances from Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich and Representative Ron Paul (R-Tex.). Frontrunner Mitt Romney does not have a scheduled appearance, but had a strong week, receiving endorsements from Rep. Paul Ryan (Wis.) and former President H.W. Bush.

Budget wars begin anew with House Budget Committee chair Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), who is the ranking Democrat on the committee, squaring off.

Plenty of discussion will take place on the three days of argument before the Supreme Court on the Health Care law. The Supreme Court justices reportedly voted on Friday, but will spend the next several months writing their opinions before releasing the decision to the public in June.

Vice President Joe Biden appears on CBS "Face The Nation" which begins their shift from a half-hour program to a full hour show.

Below, has a short preview video of what to expect on Sunday. I follow with a list of the scheduled guests.


NBC "Meet The Press" - Rick Santorum, Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.)

Roundtable with Tom Friedman, David Brooks, Jon Meachum, Harold Ford and Mika Brzezinski.

ABC "This Week" - Reps. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.).

Roundtable with George Will, Ann Coulter, Van Jones, Matt Bai and Terry Moran.

CBS "Face The Nation" - Vice President Joe Biden, Newt Gingrich and Rep. Ron Paul (R-Tex.)

Roundtable with Kevin Madden, Jan Crawford, John Dickerson and Gwen Ifill.

CNN "State of The Union" - Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), House Intelligence Committee chair Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) and "Dutch" Ruppersberger (D-Md.).

Fox News Sunday - Rick Santorum, Howard Dean and Haley Barbour.


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Obama Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

President Obama uses the tax season to urge Congress to pass the "Buffet Rule", which would raise taxes on those making more then one million per year. The president stressed the 98% of Americans who make under $250,000 annually, should not have a tax increase.


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Republican Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) called on President Obama to pressure Senate Democrats to pass energy legislation passed by the House. Boehner complained the President was not doing enough to combat rising gas prices.


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Friday, March 30, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Supreme Court Votes Today on Health Care Law - Interestingly, the Supreme Court justices will vote today after hearing arguments for the last three days, but the public will not know the outcome until June. A justice will be assigned to write the majority opinion after the vote. Adding, to the intrigue, justices have been known to change their vote after reading opinions written by other justices on a case. You can read more on the process here.


Rep. Ryan Endorses Romney - Rep. Paul Ryan (Wis.), who chairs the House Budget Committee endorsed Mitt Romney, days before the primary in his home state of Wisconsin. has more here.


Romney Leads in Wisconsin - a poll conducted by NBC News/Marist has Mitt Romney at 40%, Rick Santorum 33%, Rep. Ron Paul 11% and Newt Gingrich 8%. You can read more here.


Ryan $3.5 Trillion Budget Passes House - not a single Democrat voted for the bill and ten Republicans voted against in the 228-191 vote. The Washington Post has more here.


Highway Transportation Bill Receives 90 Day Extension - House Republicans could only agree to extend the bill, which was set to expire Sunday, for 90 days. The Senate quickly followed suit and the bill was sent to president Obama for signature. You can read more here:


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Alderman Young Raises Questions with Mayor's Budget

George Wenschhof

In a interview with City of Frederick Alderman Karen Young (D), she expressed her reservations of the proposed $135.7 million 2013 city budget submitted by Mayor Randy McClement (R). Young said her initial review revealed "the budget proposes an overall 22% increase (10% if city receives federal grant for airport) in expenditures and a 9% General Fund increase."

After, two years of being forced to cut the budget due to the bad economy, Young believes "when looking toward 2013, we must proceed cautiously, but wisely." Young provided me in writing, some of her thoughts, saying as she continues to "peel the onion", she will present additional suggestions.

Young was particularly concerned the proposed budget failed to take responsibility for a major financial obligation of the Other Post Employee Benefit Contribution (OPEB) which was budgeted at $2.24 million while the actuarial required contribution (ARC) is closer to $11 million.

She points out the unfunded portion of OPEB will only continue to increase and that either funding levels need to increase or the benefit structure needs to be reformed. Otherwise, Young says the mayor is just "kicking it down the road" to future generations of taxpayers.

Young added, she was frustrated because this has been brought up time and again over the 28 months they have been in office without a resolution being reached.

Alderman Young was pleased to see the 2013 budget reflects the desire of the Board of Aldermen (BoA) to finish the Carroll Creek Linear Park project. This comes after the BoA protested last fall, when Mayor McClement was prepared to leave $1 million of state grant funding on the table, rather than fully investing to finish the Carroll Creek Linear Park project.

Another area of concern was the level of funding for the Mayor's contingency fund. At $250,000, Young felt that was too high and allowed the mayor to by-step aldermanic approval, pointing out only $121,748 was spent in FY'11 and only $52,320 has been spent or committed in FY'12, none of which were emergency related expenses.

Stay Tuned...

Workshops have been scheduled for the budget and the city mayor and board will adopt the tax rate and budget on May 17.

Following is the schedule for city workshops on the budget:

April 4th - 7:00 p.m.
• Department of Public Works

April 11th – 7:00 p.m.
• Police Department

April 18th – 7:00 p.m.
• Airport
• Economic Development,
• Weinberg Center,
• Parking,
• Facilities
• Community Action Agency

April 25th – 7:00 p.m.
• Engineering
• Planning
• Parks & Recreation

May 2nd – 7:00 p.m.
• Finance/Budget & Purchasing/Human Resources
• Legal
• Mayor’s Office

May 9th – 7:00 p.m.
• Open agenda


If you have questions, you can contact the mayor and alderman by calling The City of Frederick at (301) 600-1380.

The workshops are televised on local channel 99 and can also be watched via the city website at


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Thursday, March 29, 2012

O'Malley To Endorse Garagiola

George Wenschhof

The Baltimore Sun is reporting Maryland Democratic Governor Martin O'Malley will endorse state senate majority leader Rob Garagiola today in the sixth district congressional race. Five candidates are competing in the Democratic primary, with the winner becoming the favorite to the win the redrawn sixth district race in the fall. The Baltimore Sun has more here.

The endorsement by O'Malley further solidifies Garagiola as the frontrunner. Garagiola has recived endorsements from elected officials throughout the district, including Lt. Governor Anthony Brown. John Delaney, who is considered to be the main opposition to Garagiola in the Dmocratic primary, has spent over a million of his own funds as he has tried to make the race competitive.

Interestingly, Delaney who lives outside of the sixth district, can not vote for himself in the primary election on Tuesday.

Stay Tuned..


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Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Unemployment Falls To New 4 Year Low - the Labor Department reported claims last week fell by 5,000 to a new low, dating back to April 2008. has more here.


Obama Looking Good in New CNN Poll - President Obama easily beats Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum in a national poll conducted by CNN/ORC International. You can read more here.


Arab Summit Begins in Baghdad - with hopes a Syrian cease fire brokered by Kofi Annan holds. The NY Times here.


Rubio and Bush Endorse Romney - Last night, it was Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio and today it will be former President h.W. Bush who will endorse Mitt Romney for President. Strong signals to the other aspiring candidates, that the end is near for them in the race for the Republican Party nomination. You can read more here.


Highway Transportation Bill Remains Stuck in House - with funding set to expire on Sunday, states are becoming worried over the impact of the failure of congress to pass an extension. Look to see the House pass a three month extension. has more here.


Healthcare Law Arguments End - the decision on severability among the many critical rulings to come by June. The Supreme Court rulings will certainly impact the 2012 elections. has more here.


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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

GOTV To Likely Determine Maryland 6th District Congressional Democratic Primary - state senator Rob Garagiola will be using tried and true grassroots efforts with the support of unions and, while multi-millionaire John Delaney has spent over 1.5 million of his own money on radio and TV ads with hopes that will secure a win in the hotly contested Democratic primary. Dr. Milad Pooran, a favorite in some portions of the "old" sixth district, may easily determine the winner in a close race. Pooran, is not expected to win, but who he pulls votes from-either Garagiola or Delaney could ultimately determine the winner. Stay tuned. has more here.


Color Newt Gone - campaign manager let go along with one-third of staff. The insistence by Newt Gingrich he is staying in the Republican race for the presidential nomination is absurd. The campaign owes more than it has cash on hand and Gingrich is now polling behind Rep. Ron Paul (Tex.). It is past time for him to exit. The Washington Post has more here. has the latest delegate count below:

GOP delegate estimate (as of 3/28/2012):
Mitt Romney: 569
Rick Santorum: 262
Newt Gingrich: 136
Ron Paul: 71
Needed to clinch GOP nomination: 1,144
Access the latest here.


Obama Leads Swing States: Ohio, Florida and Pennsylvania - in new polls released by Quinnipiac. Florida - Obama 49%, Romney 42%, Obama 50%, Santorum 37%. Ohio- Obama 47%, Romney 41%, Obama 47%, Santorum 40%, Pennsylvania- Obama 45%, Romney 42%, Obama 48% Santorum 41%. Quinnipiac has more here.


Last Day of Health Care Arguments - has more here. The third day before the Supreme Court will hear arguments on "severability" and the expansion of medicaid. has five takeaways here:


Obama Earning Low Grades on Handling of Gas Prices - a new poll by Reuters/Ipsos shows two-thirds of americans are unhappy with how president Obama is handling the rise in gas prices, although a majority do not blame him for it. has more here.


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Computer Crash Update

George Wenschhof

On Monday, I visited the City of Frederick branch of the public library and was able to use one of the many computers they have available for vistors. A fabulous service and they deserve a shout out for providing it! As the demand is high, they have a one hour on-one hour off policy.

A friend has now loaned me a laptop so I am back online. Several of my readers have also sent me a message saying they had sent me a contribution for which I am very grateful!

The computer experts are telling me, my old computer can be fixed, programs saved, etc. - However, it will not be cheap. They are also telling me to purchase a new computer.

So, with your help, I will get squared away soon. If, you want more information on how to contribute, click here.

Thanks for all of your help!


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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Garagiola Experience on Display in Maryland 6th District Race - the ability of Democratic state senator Rob Garagiola to reach across the aisle and reach consensus has been honed through his years serving in the state legislature. The Baltimore Sun has more here.


Health Care Arguments: Day Two - the "individual mandate" will be the focus today as the Supreme Court hears arguments for the second of a 3 day scheduled court time. The Washington Post weighs in with their editorial toay. You can read it here.

Pay attention to the term "severability clause". A legal term used which allows an overall law to continue in operation, even if one aspect is deemed unconstitutional. In the rush to pass the health care bill, the severability clause was somehow omitted. has their "Five Takeaways" from Day One here.


House Democrats Offer Budget Plan - Sponsored by Maryland Representative Chris Van Hollen (D), it offers a 3.6 Trillion budget reduction in response to the plan presented by rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.). The proposal by Van Hollen is not expected to pass. has more here.


Syria Accepts Peace Plan Brokered By Annan - U.N. Envoy Kofi Annan finally gets Syria to agree to a cease fire, even as reports of clashes along the border with Lebanon surface. has more here.


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Sunday, March 25, 2012


George Wenschhof

FYI - A computer crash will result in limited postings from me until repair work is done. Hope to be back up running soon!

Stay Tuned!

Contributions are also greatly appreciated - to find out more click here.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Lineup

George Wenschhof

White House senior adviser David Plouffe makes the rounds Sunday morning, appearing on four of the shows. He managed the 2008 Obama campaign.

Look to see discussion focus on the Supreme Court hearing of the health care law which begins on Monday. Also, expect more on the tragic death of Florida teenager Trayvon Jackson.

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) will tout his just released, budget plan and presidential hopeful Rick Santorum will also appear.

The Louisiana Republican primary results from Saturday will surely receive some attention as well.

The remain guests are the "usual suspects", including Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY), Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), and Florida Republican Governor Rick Scott.

Below, has a quick video preview and I list the scheduled guests.

NBC "Meet The Press" - David Plouffe and Rachel Maddow.

Roundtable with Haley Barbour, Ben Jealous, Michelle Norris, David Brooks and Doris Kearns Goodwin.

CBS "Face The Nation" - Rick Santorum, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY).

ABC "This Week" - David Plouffe and Rep. Michel Bachmann (R-Minn.)

Roundtable with George Will, Cokie Roberts, Donna Brazille, Matthew Dodd and Terry Mooran.

CNN "State of The Union" - David Ploufee, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Florida Governor Rick Scott.

Fox News Sunday - David Plouffe and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.)

Bloomberg "Political Capital" - NAACP President Ben Jealous and former Miss. Gov. Haley Barbour


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Obama Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

President Obama urges the House to pass the Transportation Bill already approved by the Senate. The current bill expires March 31 and the House is countering the senate two year 109 billion Transportation bill with a three month extension.


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Republican Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), continues his call to repeal the Health Care Act. This comes days before the Supreme Court will hear arguments on the constitutionality of the individual mandate.

Despite his call for repeal, it was reported yesterday, McConnell has no plans to put it up for a vote prior to the election this year.


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Friday, March 23, 2012

Maryland Candidate Finance Reports Filed

George Wenschhof

Maryland congressional candidates pre-primary finance reports were due yesterday, so expect them to be appearing online soon for you to review.

The Baltimore Sun has the amount raised by candidates here. will have the info here. By, clicking on the Maryland district you are interested in, you will receive a breakdown of the financial information.

Contributions will be shown by: individual, PAC, self-financing, and other.

The amount spent and cash on hand will also be shown.

Data appearing now is from the required December 31, 2011 finance report.

Check the link above back often, as they will be updating the information.

Federal Election Commission website can be accessed here. -Click on House and Senate elections, Maryland and then the candidate of your choice.

Again, as the reports were just filed, they will be online shortly, so check back often.


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Maryland Early Voting Begins Tomorrow

George Wenschhof

The second election cycle this option has been available for voters in the state. Early voting for the primary election begins tomorrow and will run through Thursday March 29. The times the polling centers will be open daily are 10:00 Am to 8:00 PM. On Sunday, the polling centers will be open 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM.

To find the early polling center in your district, click here.

An interesting statistic from the 2010 state election is Democrat Ron Young received around 1,000 more votes than incumbent Republican Alex Mooney in the district 3 state senate race during the early voting period. Young held on to win that election by about a total of 1,000 votes.

The Maryland primary election will be held on April 3.

Plan to take advantage of the early voting option - I plan to vote tomorrow.


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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Mikulski Longest Serving Woman in Congress -
Maryland Democratic Senator Barbara Mikulski was first elected to the House of Representatives in 1976 and the Senate in 1986. Saturday, Senator Mikulski passed Rep. Edith Nourse Rogers (Mass.), who died in 1960, as the longest serving woman in congress. She was lauded on the floor of the Senate yesterday for her service. The Baltimore Sun has more here.


Obama in Oklahoma Today -
He will announce plans to fast track the portion of the Keystone XL pipeline that runs from Oklahoma to refineries in Texas. You can read more here.


Geb Bush Endorses Romney -
the former Governor of Florida endorsement is big for Mitt Romney. Bush is one who many Republican operatives would have preferred as a candidate in this election. The Washington Post has more here.


House Budget Committee Approves Ryan Budget -
by a 19-18 vote. It cuts spending by 5.3 Trillion over ten years. has more here.


Jobs Act Limps Toward Senate Approval -
the bill is a package of 6 proposals which would ease certain rules by the Securities and Exchange Commission, making it easier for small business to obtain capitol. The Jobs Bill passed the House on March 8 by a 390-23 vote. has more here.


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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Romney Wins Illinois Convincingly -
following a overwhelming win in Puerto Rico. Not looking good for Rick Santorum, who is expected to win Louisiana Saturday and Wisconsin on April 3, but fare badly in the scheduled cluster of northeastern states which follow. has more here. has their 5 Takeaways here.

Gingrich and Paul have been done. Their continuance in the Republican primary only a nuisance.

Delegate Totals - Romney: 563, Santorum: 263, Gingrich: 135, Paul: 50


Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. Easily Wins Illinois Primary -
he easily dismissed Debbie Halvorson 71% to 29%. has more here.


Obama Begins 4 State Energy Tour -
Today, the President is in Nevada and New Mexico. he will tour a solar facility in Boulder City and visit oil and gas fields in Maljamar, New Mexico. has more here.


Paul Ryan's Dangerous and Intentionally Vague Budget Plan - is a good read in The Washington Post today. The budget battle between Republicans and Democrats has begun anew and will certainly remain a focus in the 2012 election.


Obama to South Korea -
President Obama will visit the demilitarized zone on Sunday. He will attend a three day summit of 54 countries about nuclear security. has more here.


Israel-Palestine Two-State Solution Still Possible? -
Palestinian negotiator doubts it is still possible in wake of the continued settlements by Israel. has more here.


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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Romney's Favorability Rating Up -
a new Washington Post/ABC News poll shows Mitt Romney is now at 64% among conservative Republicans and Independents. This is up from a low of 43% three weeks ago. The Washington Post has more here.

This comes as voters go to the polls today in Illinois and Louisiana on Saturday.


Illinois Primary Today - the polls close at 8:00 PM ET. The Republican presidential candidates will be battling for their share of 69 delegates, the second largest number to date. has their "5 Things To Watch" here. has a good read here on how the congressional races in the state are unfolding.


Santorum to Watch Illinois Returns from Gettysburg - Rick Santorum will hold a rally at the Best Western hotel downtown beginning at 8:00 PM. Illinois election returns will be followed and the event is open to the public. ABC News has more here.


Obama Leads All GOP Contenders in Virginia - in a poll released by Quinnipiac. President Obama leads Mitt Romney 50% - 42%, Obama 49% Santorum 40%, Obama 54% Gingrich 35%, and Obama 49% Paul 39%. has more here.


Insider Trading Bill Stalled - the bill easily passed in the House and the senate and passage is now being delayed over parliamentary procedure in regard to the inclusion of political intelligence being added to the bill. has more here.


North Korea Invites UN Inspection of Nuclear Program - the invite comes as N. Korea plans to launch a ballistic missile in violation of the agreement reached with the U.S. for food aid. BBC News has more here.


An End To U.S. Drone Strikes Debated in Pakistan Parliament - the internal turmoil continues as the parliament grapples with their relationship with the United States. The NY Times has a good read here.


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Monday, March 19, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Romney Wins Puerto Rico -
It was a blow out win for Mitt Romney who captured all of the 20 delegates. Illinois is up next, tomorrow. has more here.


Will Romney Win Illinois? -
recent polls show Mitt Romney with a four point win over Rick Santorum. Illinois has 69 delegates and they will be awarded proportionally which means in a close contest, neither candidate is likely to win a substantially larger number of delegates. The NY Times has more here.


Ryan To Unveil New Spending Plan -
Republican Representative Paul Ryan (Wis.) will submit his latest government spending plan tomorrow to Congress. The budget battle will begin anew in this election year. The Washington Post has more here.


Obama Campaign Raises $45 Million in February -
making a total of 300 million to date for the campaign. The average donation was $59. The Romney campaign reported raising $11.5 million and the Santorum campaign $9 million in February. has more here.


DSCC Raises $5.3 Million in February -
a fundraising record for the month. The Democratic Senate Campaign Committee has $19 million cash on hand and is debt free. has more here.


Will Lugar Survive Primary? -
Long term republican U.S. senator Dick Lugar is leading his "tea party" challenger Richard Mourdock 45% - 39% in a poll released by Democratic candidate Rep. Joe Donnelly. has more here. Look to see Lugar win.


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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Results – Not Rhetoric

George Wenschhof

After 20 years of unremarkable representation by Republican Roscoe Bartlett, Democratic state senate Majority Leader Rob Garagiola stands out as the clear choice in the Maryland sixth congressional district Democratic primary.

The only Democratic candidate to have held elected office, his experience and voting record gives voters strong justification for casting their ballot for him on April 3.

Passionate, yet reasonable, Rob will work hard to create jobs in a changing market, be a strong advocate on women’s issues, provide a high level of education for children, promote the use of renewable energy and maintain a high level of national security.

The wide spectrum and vast number of endorsements received by Rob further illustrates he is the best choice to work with a diverse membership in the House.

The National Education Association, League of Conservation Voters, Sierra Club, United Auto Workers (UAW), AFL-CIO, SEIU and MoveOn,org are but a few of the organizations who have expressed their support for Garagiola.

More impressive than the national endorsements is the overwhelming support Garagiola has received from colleagues across the district. Leading a notable list of elected officials is House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer, Lt. Governor Anthony Brown, and former Speaker of the House Casper R. “Caz” Taylor.

In my home county of Frederick, state senator Ron Young, former delegate Sue Hecht, delegate Galen Clagett, City of Frederick alderman Karen Young and former candidate for the sixth district; Don DeArmon, are among those who have expressed their backing of Rob Garagiola.

Voters have discovered their dalliance with electing ideologues has resulted in a dysfunctional Congress. So, electing Representatives like Rob, who can reach across the aisle, is important.

One factor contributing to the gridlock in Congress today is the partisan redistricting process used by a majority of state legislatures. When I interviewed Garagiola, he told me he would support all states using an independent or bipartisan committee to handle the redistricting necessary every ten years.

This process, if adopted by all states, would aid in reducing the acrimony and gridlock which currently exists in the House, contributing to the historic low (10%) approval rating Congress receives today.

Campaign finance reform is another area in politics which desperately needs attention, especially in light of the 2010 “Citizens United” Supreme Court decision which opened the floodgates to unlimited contributions.

It was heartening to hear Garagiola, tell me “corporations are not people” and he would support efforts by Representative Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) and Senator Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) to pass legislation to mitigate the impact of the Supreme Court decision.

Refreshingly, Garagiola is not one who is easy to brand with an ideology. Instead of espousing rhetoric over his ten years as state senator, Garagiola has demonstrated his ability to reach consensus while focusing on results.

Garagiola has a track record of creating green jobs, helping working families and endeavoring to make public education in Maryland become ranked number one among states, four years in a row.

Voters deserve members of congress, like Rob, who will work to restore the public’s trust in government and work together to move America forward.

Results - not rhetoric are the reasons to vote Rob Garagiola for Congress on April 3.


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Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama Visits Pub on St. Patrick's Day -
anyone, who has spent time on Capitol Hill, has been in The Dubliner. The latest visitor was President Obama, who stopped in for a pint of Guinness yesterday. You can read more here.


Puerto Rico votes Today -
23 Republican delegates are up for grabs today in the primary. The polls will close at 3:00 PM ET. Interestingly, Puerto Rico can vote in the primary, but have no vote in the general election. As, one would expect, statehood is the big issue. You can read more here.

Look to see how well Rick Santorum does after he said if Puerto Rico wanted statehood, they would need to adopt English as their language.


Romney to Visit Maryland -
on Wednesday, less than two weeks before the Maryland primary on April 3. Among the events planned is a rally in Frederick. The Baltimore Sun has more here.


Supreme Court Says No To Cameras in Health Care Law Argument -
but, audio recordings will be released the same day. The case is scheduled to be heard March 26. You can read more here. You can read more here.


Obama Campaign Releases 17 Minute Campaign Documentary - has a good analysis and a great pie chart reflecting topics discussed and the time spent on each, here.


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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Lineup

George Wenschhof

More on the Republican primary with appearances by Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum. Puerto Rico holds it's primary on Sunday, followed by the key state of Illinois on Tuesday. Santorum ratcheted up the conservative rhetoric recently when he stated Puerto Rico should adopt English as their official language if they want statehood.

Indiana Republican Governor Mitch Daniels is on Bloomberg TV Political Capital" and Virginia attorney general Ken Cuccinelli is on C-SPAN "Newsmakers". Daniels considered a run for president and Cuccinelli is one who challenged the constitutionality of the Health Care law passed recently. The Supreme Court is scheduled to hear argument on the "individual mandate" beginning March 26.

RNC chair Reince Priebus appears with Obama campaign strategist David Axelrod and Regulars Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) are also guests on the morning shows.

Actor George Clooney, who was arrested Friday, while demonstrating to bring attention to the horrors in Sudan, will make the rounds on the morning shows.

Afghan U.S. Ambassador Eklil Hakimi will be on CNN to discuss the strained relationship with the United States, following the horrific shooting of 16 Afghan civilians by an American soldier.

Former Obama administration White House communications director Anita Dunn will also be a guest. has a short preview below, followed by my list of the guests.

NBC "Meet The Press" -
Sen. John McCain, and George Clooney.

Roundtable with Wes Moore, Paul Rieckhoff, Helene Cooper and Bob Woodward.

CBS "Face The Nation" - RNC chair Reince Priebus, Vin Webber and David Axelrod

Roundtable with Ed Gillespie, Rich Lowry and Norah O'Donnell.

ABC "This Week" - Rick Santorum

Roundtable with Miss. Gov. Haley Barbour (R), Bill Burton, David Ignatius and Nia-Malika Henderson.

CNN "State of The Union" - Rick Santorum, Afghan U.S. Ambassador Eklil Hakimi, Anita Dunn and Ed Gillespie.

Bloomberg TV "Political Capital" - Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels (R)

C-SPAN "Newsmakers" - Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli

Fox News Sunday -Mitt Romney, George Clooney and John Prendergas


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Obama Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

President Obama said there was no "silver bullet" to solve the rising gas prices and pushed for regulation of energy markets and cutting oil subsidies to big oil firms to help control the spikes in gas prices.

The President will begin a four state tour next week to promote American-made energy. He will travel to Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio, and Oklahoma.


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Republican Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

Representative Cory Gardner (R-Colo.) continues the Republican attack on President Obama's energy policies, accusing him for the rise in gasoline prices.


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Friday, March 16, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama To Attend 5 Fundraisers in One Day -
although, the President is not facing opposition in the primary, the expectation is the general election will be costly. Obama will be attending 3 fundraisers in Atlanta and two in Chicago today. You can read more here.


Representative Ackerman Latest To Retire -
Democrat NY Rep. Gary Ackerman's decision not to run again came as a surprise. The seat is in a heavy Democratic voter registered district so it is expected to remain Democrat. 15 Democrats and 9 Republican Representatives have announced retirement in this election cycle. The Washington Post has more here.


"Individual Mandate" Key To Health Care Argument - the Supreme Court will begin hearing arguments on March 26 with the Obama administration expected to use the Commerce Clause and the Necessary and Proper Clause of the constitution to defend the provision in the health care law. has more here.


SWIFT Cuts Off Iranian Banks -
the world's largest electronic payment system has cut off Iranian banks in a move sure to catch the attention of the leaders of that country. The sanctions are aimed at encouraging Iran to enter into substantive talks on their nuclear development program. has more here.


Investigation Into Afghan Shootings to Include Mental Evaluation -
the soldier who is accused of the grisly shootings of 16 Afghanistan civilians will be evaluated for combat stress symptoms. has more here.


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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Unemployment Claims Fall Back To Four Year Low -
with unemployment unchanged at 8.3%. has more here.


Obama To Deliver Speech on Energy -
The President will speak at Prince George's Community College in Largo, Maryland. He is expected to discuss the roles community colleges play in working with businesses to provide innovative solutions. has more here.


Fate of Highway Bill Uncertain in House -
the Senate passed a 109 billion bill last week by a 74-22 vote. But, with the makeup of the House, it remains doubtful, it will pass. Leaving, an extension of current funding, an option until after the election. You can read more here.


Renewal of Violence Against Women Act, Newest Challenge in Senate -
Democratic women senators are pushing for a quick action with Senate majority leader Harry Reid hoping for a vote by the end of March. Republican leaders, unhappy with components in the bill, are wary of becoming the anti-woman party, if they oppose too strenuously. The NY Times has more here.


White House Black-Tie Dinner for Cameron -
this concluded the visit which included taking in the opening round game of the NCAA tournament, and plenty of discussion surrounding Afghanistan, the Middle East, tapping strategic oil reserves and more. has more here.


Blagojevich Heads To Prison -
today, the former Governor of Illinois begins serving a 14 year sentence on a corruption conviction. has more here.


Taliban Suspends Peace Talks -
this follows the horrific incident involving a U.S. soldier who allegedly shot and killed 16 Afghanistan civilians and comes after a visit by U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta. The Washington Post has more here.


Iran's Ahmadinejad Summoned Before Parliament -
the first time since the Iranian revolution in 1979, the Parliament has summoned a President to appear to answer questions. You can read more here.


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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama approval Rises To 50% -
in a Reuters/Ipsos poll conducted March 8-11. The first time since July, more Americans have approved than disapproved of the President's performance. has more here.


Gingrich Loses Alabama -
perhaps, signaling the end of his campaign for the Republican Party nomination. Rick Santorum was the big winner, capturing both Alabama and Mississippi. Mitt Romney won the caucuses in Hawaii and finished a very close third in Alabama and Mississippi. You can read more here. has their 5 Takeaways here.

Delegate totals are now Romney - 495, Santorum - 252, Gingrich - 131 and Paul - 48.


Romney Campaign Looks To Win Illinois -
Mitt Romney needs a win in Illinois next Tuesday to solidify his frontrunner claim. A poll by The Chicago Tribune/WGN-TV shows Romney with 35%, Santorum - 31%, Gingrich 12% and Paul 7%. The Chicago Tribune has more here.

The Illinois primary follows caucuses in Missouri and the Puerto Rico primary on Saturday.


Obama Hosts British Prime Minister Cameron -
the visit included front row seats last night in Dayton, Ohio to watch the opening round game in the NCAA tournament. The NY Times has more here.


Panetta in Afghanistan -
Defense Secretary Leon Panetta is meeting with Afghan officials following the tragic shooting deaths of 16 civilians by a U.S. soldier. The incident has triggered fresh calls for the U.S. military to withdraw from Afghanistan. has more here.


Assad Rejects Annan Proposal -
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said he will not accept any terms until the opposition lays down their arms. has more here.


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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Maryland Sixth District Primary Nears

George Wenschhof

Last Friday, I published current sixth district voter registration data in a
column where I suggest a change in the manner redistricting is conducted nationwide.

The current voter registration numbers in the sixth (rounded off):

Democratic - 183,000
Republican - 141,000
Unaffiliated/Other - 90,000

I thought it would be interesting to look back to the 1992 election, the year Republican Roscoe Bartlett was elected to compare the voter registration numbers. Numbers were taken from Maryland Board of Elections website.

Democratic - 139,922

Republican - 140,979

Unaffiliated/Other - 29,677

Total - 310,578

Thomas Hattery (D) received 46% of the vote - 106,224

Roscoe Bartlett (R) received 54% of the vote - 125,564

Democratic voter turnout was 85%, Republican 84% and Unaffiliated/Other 81%.

It is interesting to note, the even registration between Republicans and Democrats in 1992 and the very high voter turnout in that election.

As the primary nears, the bickering and rumor mongering abounds among the top three Democratic candidates.

State Senate Majority Leader Rob Garagiola, who some believe was handpicked by state senate president Thomas V. Mike Miller, is the front runner among five Democrats vying to unseat Rep. Roscoe Bartlett.

Some Democrats, from the old portions of the sixth district, after suffering for 20 years without Democratic Party support, are resentful Garagiola is from the new portion of the district.

Garagiola has put his years as a state senator and his voting record to work for him as he has racked up endorsements from elected officials throughout the sixth district.

Leaving, Democratic challengers John Delaney and Dr. Milad Pooran to counter with national level endorsements from former President Bill Clinton and former Democratic National Committee chair Howard Dean respectfully.

The Pooran campaign is hopeful for a split in the vote between Delaney and Garagiola which would allow them to eke out a victory with a plurality of the vote.

Over, the next three weeks, Democratic voters will need to look past the sniping that often occurs between hotly contested campaigns and focus on the positions the candidates have on the issues important to them.

Democratic voters should plan to visit their websites and attend any remaining forums.

Below are links to Democratic candidates websites:

Rob Garagiola:
John Delaney:
Milad Pooran:
Charles Bailey:
Ron Little:

Republicans, recognizing the voter registration disparity in the district, will try to capitalize on Democratic in-fighting, to help their nominee win on November 6.

Perhaps, wishful thinking on their part, but one only needs to look at the 2002 Maryland Governor election between Democrat Kathleen Kennedy Townsend and Republican Robert Ehrlich in which Ehrlich emerged as the upset winner.

After, an unremarkable 20 year term in office by Roscoe Bartlett, it is time for a change.

Democratic candidates and voters, mindful of the Townsend and Hattery defeat, should focus on the prize.

Stay Tuned...


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Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

February Retails Sales Up -
the most in five months. The news comes as the Federal Reserve Board is scheduled to meet. has more here.


Mississippi and Alabama Primaries Today -
polls will close at 8:00 PM ET. Polls indicate the outcome will be close in both states. has more here.


Obama To Discuss U.S.-China Trade Today -
the President is expected to give a statement on efforts to enforce U.S. Trade rights with China at 11:00 AM ET today. has more here.


Israel-Gaza Truce Brokered By Egypt -
an attempt to end the four day period of violence in which hundreds of rockets were fired at Israel and 25 Palestinians killed. has more here.


Faster U.S. Pullout in Afghanistan Debated -
the belief is the mission has now reached the point of diminishing returns. The NY Times has more here.


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