
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama in Scranton To Push Payroll Tax Cut Extension -
Scranton, Pennsylvania is a blue collar town which is also the hometown of Vice President Joe Biden. The president will push for the extension of the payroll tax cut set to expire at the end of December. You can read more here.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has said Republicans will support the extension, but oppose the proposed millionaire's tax to pay for it.


DCCC Targets 30 GOP Districts -
using robocalls to blame Republicans for the failure of the deficit super committee. has more here. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has started their "Drive for 25" campaign to retake a majority in the House.


Romney Gains Among Independents -
in the latest Washington Post /ABC News poll, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney gained 13 points to 45%. Independents are a critical voting block. Newt Gingrich leads in favorability among Republican voters with 60% and Mitt Romney has 56%. ABC News has more here.


World Central Banks Adopt Fire Wall Policy -
they aim to provide a wall of money to prevent Europe financial instability from undermining the world's central banking system. This approach was last used at the height of the financial collapse in 2008. The Washington Post has more here.


Occupy Camps cleared in LA and Philadelphia -
an interesting development. while, the Occupy demonstrations have lacked purpose and direction, they are certainly visible evidence of unrest and dissatisfaction among some with the current economic conditions which exist in the United States. The NY Times has more here.


Clinton To Myanmar -
the Secretary of State arrives today to assess reforms taken by a reclusive military state. The first official U.S. visit to the country in 50 years. has more here.


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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

American Airlines Files Bankruptcy -
the parent company, AMR, filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy this morning. They reported a loss of 162 million in the third quarter and have lost money in 14 of the last 16 quarters. The filing allows for reorganization while continuing to operate. You can read more here.


Signatures Pouring in For Walker Recall -
after just 12 days, over 300,000 signatures had been obtained in the effort to force a recall election for Republican Governor Scott Walker. The requirement is 540,000 signatures, (25% of the number of voters who participated in the previous election) within a sixty day period. has more here.

The anti-union bill signed by the governor has spurred Democrats to collect signatures. Stay Tuned...


Time For Cain to Exit -
with the recent allegation by Ginger White of a 13 year affair with Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain, it is time for him to bow out of the race. His several week period as a serious contender has been shattered by his lack of knowledge of foreign policy and numerous allegations of inappropriate sexual behavior. The charade is over for Cain and he would be wise to drop out. The Washington Post has more here.


Maxine Waters To Replace Frank on Finance Committee? -
the retirement announcement by Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) has triggered speculation as to who will replace him on the powerful House Financial Services Committee. Representative Maxine Waters (D-Calf.) is in line to become the senior Democrat on the committee. has more here.


Gingrich Outlines 7 Part Immigration Plan -
in a town hall meeting in S. Carolina yesterday. has more here.


Voting Continues in Egypt -
voting continued on a second day for members of Parliament. The three phase voting process for members of Parliament to end in March. The NY Times has a good read here.


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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

New Hampshire Union Leader Endorses Gingrich -
a big endorsement from the largest newspaper in New Hampshire. This comes in spite of the huge lead Mitt Romney has among Republican presidential contenders in the state. Not a good sign for Romney. You can read more here.


Maryland Governor O'Malley Under Scrutiny as DGA Chair -
the Baltimore Sun has a piece today on how firms doing business in Maryland are contributing in large amounts to the Democratic Governors Association, which Martin O'Malley chairs. Over the last six months, a record 11 million has been raised by the organization charged with electing Democratic governors. There are no limits to the size of donations and the size, some as high as $250,000, from businesses operating in Maryland is troublesome. The Baltimore Sun has more here.


Egypt Parliamentary Elections Tomorrow -
the Military is moving ahead with the planned election in spite of the massive demonstrations in Tahrir Square. The Washington Post has more here.


Putin Begins Campaign To Recapture Presidency -
In Russia yesterday, Vladimir Putin accepted the nomination for president from United Russia, the ruling party. The NY Times has a good read here.


U.S. Addresses Air Strike in Pakistan -
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and CIA Director Leon Panetta issued a statement expressing their condolences for the loss of life. In addition, top U.S. military leaders contacted their counterparts in Pakistan as Pakistan responded to the attack by shutting down critical supply routes and ordering the U.S. to leave an air force base used to launch Drone attacks. has more here.


France and Germany To Announce Stability Pact this Week -
with the European Financial Crisis threatening worldwide financial stability, an announcement is expected this week that hopefully will prod the European Central Bank to intervene to help solve the euro zone problems. has more here.


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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Lineup

George Wenschhof

Expect more discussion on the failure of the national deficit super committee to reach agreement on a 1.2 trillion reduction over the next ten years.

Sure to be talked about will be the NATO strike which killed 28 Pakistani soldiers, further endangering U.S./Pakistan relations.

Also, more on the Republican Party presidential primary with Candidates Herman Cain and Jon Huntsman.

Below is a list of the scheduled guests:

NBC "Meet The Press" - has Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and anti-tax activist Grover Norquist. Think they will have a few differences in opinions?

Roundtable discussion participants will be Doris Kearns Goodwin, Michael Eric Dyson, Jon Meacham, and Rich Lowry.

ABC "This Week" - Senator Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) who was a member of the super committee will put his spin on the failure to reach agreement.

Also appearing will be former Secretary of State Colin Powell, Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates and Matt Damon. Damon will talk about his efforts with

Roundtable discussion participants will be Cokie Roberts, Sam Donaldson, Jonathan Karl, and Michael Gerson.

Fox News Sunday - has super committee members Senators Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.). Also appearing will be Republican presidential candidate Jon Huntsman.

CBS - "Face The Nation" - former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice. Also appearing will be authors Kathryn Sockett "The Help" and Walter Isaacson who is writing the Steve Jobs biography.

CNN "State of the Union" - will also have Condoleeza Rice who has just published a book entitled "No Higher Honor". Also appearing will be Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain.


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Friday, November 25, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Will Third Party Candidate Emerge in 2012? -
one will if "Americans Elect" is successful in producing a moderate to run for president - you can check out their website at

The bipartisan group of political strategists believe the voters who fall in the middle are out there for a candidate to reach. Especially, with the current bitter partisan divide. The Washington Post has more here.


Romney Accused of Flip-Flopping on Immigration -
the Gingrich campaign pointed out in a tweet that Romney had stated he was open to a pathway to citizenship when appearing on NBC "Meet The Press" in 2007. has more here.

I pointed out after the last Republican presidential candidate debate that the position Newt Gingrich presented on immigration was not a great deal different than the the Economic Opportunity and Immigration Reform Act of 2007, he co-sponsored with the late Senator Edward Kennedy.


Obama Urges Turnover By Egyptian Military -
as protesters fill Tahrir Square in Cairo for the fifth day. This comes as the military announced the appointment of Kamel el-Ganzoury as interim Prime Minister. The NY Times has more here.


Will Republican Party Primary Rules Impact Presidential Nominee? -
a good question as Mitt Romney has been unable to pull away from the pack of eight Republican candidates. has more here.

In 2008, it was the convoluted and questionable Democratic Party rules on nominating their presidential candidate that was on display as Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama battled until the end.

It's not beyond possibility, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, could be nominated at the Republican National Convention next summer. Stay tuned...


Money Pours in for Montana Senate Race -
Democratic Senator Jon Tester versus Republican Denny Rehberg is shaping up to be an expensive contest. has more here.


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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Obama Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

President Obama wishes Americans a happy Thanksgiving and thanks those serving in the military who are giving back to America during the holidays.


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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

GOP Debate Reviews

George Wenschhof

Once again, President Obama was the winner in last night's Republican presidential hopefuls debate. Unless, an international incident unfolds over the next year, national defense and foreign policy will not be an issue in the election.

Former U.S. Ambassador to China Jon Huntsman came across as the most reasonable of the bunch last night at DAR Constitution Hall. Newt Gingrich performed well as the new front runner. However, his position on immigration may come back to haunt him in the Republican primaries. Providing a way for long time undocumented workers to stay in the U.S. is a reasonable position on the issue, but not one that is popular with right wing activists.

However, Gingrich could not run from the bill he put forth with the late Senator Edward Kennedy, the Economic Opportunity and Immigration Reform Act of 2007, which provided a convoluted manner to obtain citizenship.

It was this proposed deportation and fine before being able to return to the U.S. which led me to propose a community service component to be required in a column published earlier this year. You can read that column here.

Romney, was like Romney - no surprises and nothing to knock him from his front runner status. Perry continued to show why he has dropped like a stone in the polls, and it was evident foreign policy is not a strong suit for Cain.

Santorum and Bachmann can say good-bye anytime and Ron Paul continues to show why he may be better suited as a third party candidate.

Below, in no order of significance are links to reviews of the debate:

The NY Times is here. has their take here. is here.

Chris Cillizza of The Washington Post here. is here.

Stay tuned...


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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Blame Game Begins in Super Committee Failure -
as one would expect, the fingers are pointing by Republicans and Democrats. In reality, both sides contributed to the inability to reach agreement on 1.2 Trillion in cuts over a ten year period.

Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post has his take here and Representative Jeb Hensarling (R-Tex.) who co-chaired the super committee has his thoughts here.


Obama in New Hampshire Today -
The President will push for the extension of the payroll tax cut set to expire at the end of the year while speaking at a High School. You can read more here.


Republican Presidential Candidate Debate Tonight -
it will be held at DAR Constitutional Hall in D.C. and begin at 8:00 PM. Sponsored by CNN, The Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institution.

The debate comes as Newt Gingrich has moved up in the polls and is either leading or tied with Mitt Romney. has more here. has five things to look for in tonight's debate here.


Lawsuit Filed in New York Redistricting -
the inability of agreement to be reached on redistricting has led a group to sue asking for a special master be appointed. has more here.


Egypt Turmoil Enters Fourth Day -
protesters unhappy with the slow pace the military is taking in handing over control of governing continue to clash with police. the first parliamentary elections since the ouster of President Mubarak are scheduled for next week. The NY Times has more here.


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Monday, November 21, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

No Deal Expected To Be Announced By Deficit Committee Today -
unless a wave of reasonableness overtakes the members of the deficit reduction super committee, the co-chairs are expect to announce today an agreement to reduce the deficit was not reached. has more here.

If so, expect a lot of partisan finger pointing to take place but, do not expect any drastic measures to take place in Washington. The mandated 1.2 trillion in cuts to be triggered by the failure of the super committee do not take effect until 2013 and the 1.2 trillion in cuts are spread over ten years.

Contentious votes which will be now needed by Congress by the end of this year will be for extension of long term unemployment benefits, extension of individual payroll tax reduction, and a measure for doctors who are set to receive a 30% cut in reimbursement from medicare.


Romney/Gingrich Tied For First in Latest Poll -
in a USA Today/Gallup nationwide poll released today, Mitt Romney received 20%, Newt Gingrich 19% and Herman Cain 16%. has more here.


Gingrich to Propose Privatizing Social Security Today -
as he rises in the polls, Gingrich will be in New Hampshire to propose private market investment options for younger earners. Former President George W. Bush proposed the same type of program and was hammered by democrats for doing so. Expect the same partisan reaction to this proposal. You can read more here.


Unrest in Egypt Continues - clashes between police and protesters in Cairo's Tahrir Square have continued for three days, with reports of at least 23 dead. Protesters are unhappy with the pace of the turnover of power from the military to a civilian government. The NY Times has more here.


New Sanctions Against Iran Expected to Be Announced Today -
the Obama administration is set to announce new sanctions against Iran's petrochemical industry. U.S. companies are already barred from doing business with Iran. The new measures would threaten to ban countries who do business with Iran's petrochemical industry from U.S. markets. has more here.


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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Romney-Gingrich Tied in Latest Poll -
conducted by Reuters/Ipsos, Newt Gingrich was on top of the Republican presidential candidates with 24%. Mitt Romney has 22% with Herman Cain falling to 12% and Texas Governor Rick Perry continuing to fare poorly, had only 10%. has more here.

Only Perry currently has the financial resources to compete after the first four Republican primaries and caucuses, but with his polling so low, he is destined to drop out. Gingrich could catch fire with some good showings in the first four states and raise the needed funds to compete in a drawn out primary, but with so much baggage, it is doubtful.

Romney continues to be the favorite to secure the Republican nomination and likely early in the Republican nomination process- it's his to lose. The anti-Romney choices, while numerous, are weak.


New Hampshire Senator Kelly Ayotte Endorses Romney -
a good reason why Mitt Romney was in New Hampshire and not at the Iowa Republican Forum held last night. She will make the announcement today. You can read more here.


Iowa Social Conservative Forum Held Yesterday -
all of the Republican presidential candidates were invited except Jon Huntsman. Mitt Romney was in New Hampshire holding a town hall meeting and to receive the endorsement from popular Republican Senator Kelly Ayotte. has an update here.


Will Super Committee Fail? -
while Wednesday is the official deadline, the Congressional Budget Office needs 48 hours to analyze a bill before a vote. This makes tomorrow the real deadline. The Washington post has a good read here as to what failure will mean.

The biggest looming issues are the expiring (end of the year) payroll taxes for individuals, an end to long term unemployment compensation, and doctors set to see a 30% cut in government reimbursement for medicare.


Watch Elections in Egypt -
Parliamentary elections are set to be held in one week. The staggered elections. Power is still held by the military with debate ongoing over a to be written constitution. A situation which has protesters out in force once again in Cairo's Tahrir Square. The NY Times has more here.


Matter of Time for Change in Syria -
the government led by Al-Asaad continues to battle protesters who are demanding democratic reform. Actions taken by the Arab League against Syria and economic sanctions signal the end is near for the current government. has an update here.


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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Lineup

George Wenschhof

With the deadline for the Deficit Reduction Super Committee to reach agreement on a 1.2 trillion cut rapidly approaching, many of the members of the committee will be on the morning shows. The deadline for agreement is November 23 or automatic cuts will be activated. Agreement would need to be reached by Monday to allow time for procedural approval to take place by Wednesday.

Interestingly, Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.) pointed out yesterday, the automatic cuts which would be triggered if agreement is not reached by Wednesday do not take place until 2013, which would allow plenty of time for future negotiation to take place by congressional committees before implementation.

CNN "State of The Union" - Senator Patty Murray (D-Wash.) - co-chair of the super committee, Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice

Fox News Sunday - Representative Jeb Hensarling (R-Tex) - co-chair of the super committee and Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-Calf.)

NBC "Meet The Press" - super committee members Senators Jon Kyl (R-Az.) and John Kerry (D-Mass.)

CBS "Face the Nation" - committee member Senator Pat Toomey (R-Pa.), Rep. Ron Paul (R-Tex.) who is a Republican candidate for president, and Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.V.)

ABC "This Week" - Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Senators Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Chris Coons (D-Conn.) has a quick update below:


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Obama Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

President Obama speaks from Indonesia, where he is completing his Asia-Pacific tour. He discusses how this area is where the U.S. does a majority of their trade. He highlights the achievements made which will support 130,000 American jobs and increase exports by 39 billion.


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Republican Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

Republican Pennsylvania Senator Pat Toomey talks about the financial crisis unfolding in Europe which he says is the result of slow economic growth and excessive government debt. He expresses concern the Obama administration is pursuing the same path with record breaking spending and job killing taxes and regulations.


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Friday, November 18, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Continuing Resolution Passes Quietly -
yesterday, the House 298-121 and the Senate 70-30 passed the latest stop gap funding measure and sent it to the president for signature. Funding was set to expire tonight. Unfortunately, the bill only provides funding for one month. So, the process will be repeated. has more here.


Five Days Left For Super Committee -
it is looking unlikely an agreement on 1.2 trillion in deficit reduction will be reached in time before automatic cuts are triggered. Leaks range from going "big" on a 4 trillion deal to making 1.2 trillion in cuts to programs Republicans and Democrats can agree on without any tax increase. has their take here.


House To Vote on Balanced Budget Amendment Today -
the constitutional amendment passed the House and senate in 1995 and 1997, only to fail in the Senate both times. A two-thirds vote is needed for passage which means 48 House Democrats would need to join all 242 Republicans in voting for it.

Democratic Leadership has been whipping support against it so expect the vote to be close. you can read more here.


First Lady Helps on Reelection Effort -
Michelle Obama is quietly becoming her husband's best secret weapon in his reelection bid. The NY Times has a good read here on how she is re-energizing campaign workers.


Cain To Receive Secret Service Protection -
after a request was made by the Cain campaign. Protection is provided to candidates closer to the general election, but protection has also been provided to candidates earlier. has more here.


Maryland Governor Intervenes in Pollution Lawsuit -
keep an eye on this story as it unfolds. It is interesting as it has many twists. A chicken farmer, who provides chickens to Purdue, on the eastern shore is being sued for polluting the Chesapeake Bay. The interesting wrinkles are the lawsuit is joined by the University of Maryland Law School and Maryland Democratic Governor Martin O'Malley has written a letter to the law school Dean saying the case was without merit and to complain about the costly litigation against the farmer. The Baltimore Sun has more here. Stay tuned...


Maryland Democratic Representative Donna Edwards Campaign Poll Shows Her Ahead -
way early and obviously put out by her campaign to attempt to primarily preempt the campaign of Democrat Glenn Ivey who is her major challenge. has more here. Do not discount Ivey in this primary contest in the redrawn district. The poll showed her with 52%, Ivey with 16% and Jamie Benoit with 3% - that is a lot of undecideds and shows Ivey has potential to grow support. Stay tuned...


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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

President Obama to Announce Boeing-Indonesia Deal Today -
prior to heading home from his nine day Pacific-Asia tour, Obama will announce tomorrow a 21.7 billion Boeing deal with Indonesia for 230 aircraft. The deal will support 110,000 jobs across the United States. has more here.


Unemployment Claims Hit 7 Month Low - claims filed dropped by 5,000 last week to 388,000 according to the Department of Labor. You can read more here.


New Taxes and Entitlement Cuts Remain Focus of Super Committee -
with less than a week to go, it is the same old issues dividing the members of the deficit super committee. Will an agreement be reached on new sources of revenue in exchange to cuts to medicare and medicaid? If so, look to see the deal exceed the mandated 1.2 trillion in deficit reduction over the next ten years. has more here.


Perry Wants to Debate Pelosi -
Texas Governor Rick Perry, who has dropped to the bottom among Republican contenders for president now wants to debate House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calf.). He wants to argue for his "Overhaul Washington" plan - his campaign's latest attempt to gain recognition. has more here.

Perry should be careful for what he asks for - Pelosi would clean his clock.


GOP Infighting Hurting Their Chances of Winning Senate -
the NY Times has a good read on the upcoming battle for control of the Senate. Democrats have 23 seats up for election in 2012 and Republicans have 10. Out of the 33 races, the NY Times analysis shows 15 are competitive with only 8 rated as a toss-up at this point. You can read more here.


Americans Less Optimistic of Future -
according to a new poll by CNN/ORC International. Only 44% feel things will be going well in the U.S. a year from now. This is down from a year ago when 55% were optimistic about the coming year and down from 63% in the fall of 2009. has more here.


SEIU Endorses Obama -
yesterday, in what was hardly a surprise, the Service Employees International Union formally endorsed President Obama for reelection in 2012. The announcement came three months earlier than their endorsement in 2008. has more here.


Cain on Top in Iowa -
An Iowa State University/Gazette/KCRG poll shows Herman Cain on top among Republican presidential hopefuls with 24.5%. Only seven weeks remain until the Iowa caucuses are held. You can read more here.


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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

New Polls Show Obama Beats All GOP Candidates, Gingrich Fares Best Against Obama, Romney has Huge Lead in N.H. -
still early in the head-to-head comparisons, but Romney's huge lead in New Hampshire among Republican presidential contenders will be hard to overcome.

In the McClatchy/Marist poll, President Obama beats Newt Gingrich 47%-45%, Mitt Romney 47%-44%, Paul 49%-41%, Cain 49%-41% and Bachmann 54%-35%. has more here.

In New Hampshire, Mitt Romney leads among Republicans with 40%, Paul17%, Gingrich 11%, Cain 8%, Huntsman 7%, Perry 3%. has more here.

Over in New Jersey, Obama easily beats all. has more here.


Dirt Unveiled As Gingrich Climbs in Polls -
as one would expect and with Gingrich there is plenty to remind folks about. Multiple wives, infidelity, huge credit lines at Tiffany jewelry store and now disclosures he was paid between 1.6 and 1.8 million in consulting fees from Freddie Mac. has more here.


Voters Favor Repeal of Health Care Law -
in a new poll released by Gallup, 47% favor repeal and 42% want to keep the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. has more here.


Financial Markets Drop As European Problems Persist -
in spite of new government leaders in Greece and Italy. Adding to the turmoil is France and Germany can not agree on the role of the European Central Bank. has more here.


Super Committee Has One Week Left -
and there is little evidence to suggest a bill is forthcoming to reduce the deficit by at least 1.2 Trillion over the next ten years. The time is actually shorter as the CBO will need to score the proposal before a vote in the House and Senate. has more here.


U.S. Postal Service Loses 5.1 Billion -
and it would have been 10.6 billion if congress had not acted to postpone a 5.5 billion payment to fund retiree health benefits. has more here.


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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Gabrielle Giffords Interviewed -
ABC Dianne Sawyer interviews Representative Gabrielle Giffords (D-Az.) who was shot in the head earlier this year.

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GOP Competition Intense in Iowa -
Iowa holds the distinction of holding the first caucus in the Republican primary calendar and four candidates are essentially tied in a new Bloomberg poll.

Herman Cain has 20%, Paul 19%, Romney 18% and Gingrich 17%. has more here.

Romney has been publicly downplaying his chances of a win in Iowa, while highlighting New Hampshire and Florida. Quietly, Romney has built a strong ground campaign in Iowa

Caucuses are much different than going to the polls and casting a ballot, so those campaigns who understand the dynamics will fare better. The Obama campaign used their knowledge of caucuses to beat Clinton in the 2008 Democratic primary.


Obama Continues Asian-Pacific Trip -
The president leaves Hawaii and heads to Australia where he will discuss his plans to expand the role of the U.S. in the region. has more here.


Supreme Court To Rule on Health Care Law -
in the middle of an election year, they will hear an appeal of a lawsuit filed by 26 states and the National Federation of Independent Businesses.

Arguments will be heard early next year with a decision expected by summer. Both the Obama administration and Republican Party leadership expressed confidence the ruling will validate their position. has more here.

The ruling will definitely impact the election. Stay tuned..


House and Senate to Vote On Latest Spending Bill -
another continuing resolution is forthcoming from this dysfunctional Congress. Present funding authority expires Friday evening. The House is expected to vote Thursday and then the Senate will act. You can read more here.


Chances for 2012 Recession 50% -
the battle to climb out of the current worldwide economic morass is hardly over with forecasts of another recession in early 2012 exceeding 50 per cent. has more here.


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Monday, November 14, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Unemployment and the Economy Top Issues For Voters -
the latest Gallup poll reflects what most already knew. What is important to note is health care was identified by only 4% as an important issue and immigration and education received only 3%. has more here.


Romney Maintains First Place in Latest Poll -
Mitt Romney continues to come in first, receiving a bump to 32% among republican contenders for president. The Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll has Herman Cain still in second with 27% and Newt Gingrich rising to 22%. Texas Governor Rick Perry and Minnesota representative Michele Bachmann continue to fade receiving only 4% and 2%. Former U.S. Ambassador to China and Governor of Utah Jon Huntsman, arguably the most reasonable one, is dead last at 1%. The Wall Street Journal has more here.


Government Funding Expires November 18 -
a familiar refrain from this dysfunctional Congress. Once again, a continuing resolution is needed to fund government agencies. This vote is needed just five days before triggers go into effect if the super deficit committee is unable to reach agreement on a 1.2 Trillion deficit reduction over the next ten years.

In the midst of all of this, the House, pushed by Republican leadership, will vote for a balanced budget amendment. has more here.


German Chancellor Angela Merkel Warns European Union -
as economic turmoil in Greece and Italy continues to rock the stability of the Euro, Merkel calls for an overhaul of the European Union. has more here.


Government Regulations Minimal Impact on Unemployment -
the Republican Party mantra of government regulations stifling job creation is mostly a myth. The Bureau of Labor Statistics has data which shows few layoffs are caused principally by government regulations. The Washington Post has more here.


Chelsea Clinton To Work For NBC -
she will be a special correspondent and begin tonight with a segment called "Making a Difference" about volunteers who make a difference in their communities. It will air on NBC "Nightly News" tonight. has more here.

Chelsea caught my attention when she campaigned with her mother in the 2008 election. She came across well informed and very polished. Will the future produce another politician in the family?


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Sunday, November 13, 2011

GOP Foreign Policy Debate Reviews

George Wenschhof

Foreign policy has generally been a strength for the Republican Party. But, President Obama has taken it off the table as an 2012 issue with the death of Osama Bin Laden, the removal and subsequent death of Muammar Gaddafi, and the scheduled withdrawal of U.S. troops in Afghanistan and Iraq.

After watching the debate, which one of the Republican presidential hopefuls would you want taking the 3 AM phone call?

Throughout the debate, they battled among themselves on the use of waterboarding, as well as U.S. policies in regard to Israel, Iran and Iraq.

Huntsman gave the most reasonable answers, but continues to struggle for recognition. Romney was solid again appealing to the hardliners with a fear of Iran getting nuclear warheads if Obama remains President. Gingrich and Perry were close to Perry and Cain faltered as expected and the rest, well......

Michele Bachmann got off some of her one liners that leave you scratching your head. Now, her campaign is trying to make some headway by disclosing a email allegedly sent prior to the debate by CBS News which indicated Bachmann would receive few questions. has more here.

As of now, polling data reflects voters are overwhelmingly supportive of President Obama in the area of foreign policy and national defense. Unless, a new international incident takes place, do not look to see foreign policy be an issue that will impact the outcome of the 2012 election.

The economy remains the number one concern for voters and Newt Gingrich may have struck a chord when he squeezed into the debate last night an idea of requiring those receiving unemployment to also receive re-training.

I support the training requirement, but would also add a public service employment component which would put the unemployed to work in the public service area. State and municipal government as well as nonprofits would benefit as a result.

Links, in no order of significance, to the early reviews below:

Roger Simon of has his take here.

The NY Times here. here.

Mark Halperin's take of is here.

The Washington Post here. here.

Stay tuned..... The Republican caucuses and primaries start in less than two months.


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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Lineup

George Wenschhof

Republican presidential hopefuls and members of the deficit super committee will be on many of the morning shows. The deficit super committee has until November 23 to reach agreement on 1.2 Trillion in cuts before automatic triggers go into effect.

Fox News Sunday has committee members Senators Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) and rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.). Co-Chair Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-Tex.) is on CNN "State of the Union".

NBC "Meet The Press" has fading tea party star Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) and the chair of the DNC; Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-Fla.). Bachmann may be a lawyer, but she will be no match for Wasserman-Schultz.

Jon Huntsman, the most moderate of all the Republican candidates, who happens to be polling in last place, will be on CBS "Face The Nation". Maryland Democratic Governor Martin O'Malley, who also chairs the DGA will also appear. has a quick rundown below:


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Obama Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

On Veterans Day weekend, President Obama highlights the bipartisan effort which resulted in a 95-0 vote in the senate this week to pass a component of his proposed American Jobs Act to aid veterans.

Obama pointed out the federal government has hired 120,000 veterans and he would like to see the private sector hire 100,000.


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Republican Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

Representative Joe Heck (R-Nev.) said the House is set to pass the Veterans Jobs bill passed by the Senate earlier this week and said there is more to do to help the economy.

The Veterans Jobs bill was added to a bill which originated in the House which repeals a 3% government withholding of payments to contractors.


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Friday, November 11, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Veteran Jobs Bill Passes Senate 95-0 -
as expected, the bill includes tax credits for businesses who hire unemployed veterans. It also repeals the 3% withholding government keeps from contractors, a proposals republicans have wanted for some time. The timing of the vote was appropriate coming one day before Veterans Day. The House is also expected to pass the bill and send it to President Obama for his signature. The Washington Post has more here.


Obama Begins 9 Day Asia-Pacific Tour -
The President arrives in Honolulu today where he will host a two day Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit. has the nine day schedule here.


Decision on Canada Pipeline Delayed -
until after 2012 election. Environmentalist had opposed the Keystone XL oil sands pipeline and unions and business had championed it for the jobs it would create. Postponing the decision until after the election avoids upsetting and splitting part of the base who elected Obama in 2008. has more here.


Next GOP Presidential Candidate Debate Tomorrow -
this time the eight Republican president wannabees will debate in S. Carolina at Wofford College in Spartanburg. CBS and the state Republican Party will host the debate. You can read more here.


Cain Campaign Fundraising Up -
they reported receiving 9 million since October 1, which more than doubled the 4.7 million the campaign reported receiving in the third quarter ending September 30. So far, the sexual harassment claims have not impacted the Cain campaign in a negative fashion. has more here.


Democrats Win Redistricting in Colorado -
a Colorado Judge chose the Democratic Party redistricting map after the state legislature was unable to agree on competing redistricting maps proposed by Republicans and Democrats. has more here.


New Super PAC Started For Gingrich -
the political action committee will focus on gaining support from tea party activists. With continued stumbles from Texas Governor Rick Perry and the continuing sexual harassment story dogging Herman Cain, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has been climbing in the polls. has more here.


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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Perry Going... Going... Gone? -
his performance in the Republican presidential debate last night further ensured he will not win the party nomination.

Chris Cillizza of The Washington Post has his take on the winners and losers here. has their take here.

Romney was once again the clear winner of the debate last night, but the one to watch now is former House Speaker Newt Gingrich who continues to give solid performances. Look to see Gingrich emerge as the alternative to Romney. The continuing saga of the sexual harassment story will eventually cause Cain to drop and Perry will remain in single digits until he drops out.


Obama on Top in Swing States - Cain Leads Republicans -
in a Quinnipiac poll released today, President Obama leads all Republican candidates in the swings states of Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania.

Cain remains on top with Romney in second and Gingrich a strong third. Perry is in single digits and his performance last night will not help him. Quinnipiac has more here.

Keep an eye on Newt Gingrich. he is the most likely beneficiary of poor debate performances by Texas Governor Rick Perry and the continued sexual harassment story surrounding Herman Cain.


Unemployment Claims Drop -
to the lowest level in seven months. has more here.


Partisan Rhetoric Divides Super Committee -
not a surprise as the November 23 deadline to reach agreement on 1.2 Trillion in cuts nears. has more here.


President and Paterno Dismissed at Penn State -
the Board of Trustees had little choice as details were made public of sexual abuse charges against former assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky. The NY Times has more here.


Maryland 4th District Democratic Primary One To Watch -
redistricting has created changes leading former Prince Georges county states attorney Glen Ivey to challenge incumbent Donna Edwards. Both candidates are prominent African Americans who will put members of the Black Congressional Caucus in a difficult position as the campaign unfolds. has more here.


Lucas Papademos Named Interim Prime Minister - the former European central bank vice president will lead the interim government in Greece as Papandreou steps down. has more here.


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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Mississippi Votes Down "Personhood" Definition -
in a vote that was not even close, the attempt by pro-life advocates to pass a law to define personhood beginning at fertilization failed. Interestingly, in a state that falls within the "bible belt", the measure only received 48% of the vote. has more here.


Republicans Suffer Defeat in Ohio -
the anti-union law signed by Republican John Kasich was easily defeated in a referendum. This was a big win for Democrats and Unions in a swing state that is pivotal in the 2012 election. has more here.


Arizona State Senator Loses Recall Election -
he wrote the controversial Arizona immigration law and his loss is viewed as a rebuke of tough measures on immigration. has more here.


Virginia State Senate Balance To Be Decided by One District -
Spotsylvania district results show the Republican incumbent ahead by 86 votes. The Washington Post has more here.


Republican Presidential Candidate Debate Tonight -
at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan, the eight Republican contenders will square off. The CNBC televised debate begins at 8:00 PM ET and will be moderated by John Harwood and and Maria Bartiromo. The Detroit Free Press has more here.


Cain Accuser Filed Complaint in Next Job -
Karen Kraushaar who settled a complaint against Cain in 1999, filed a complaint three years later while working at the Immigration and Naturalization Service in the Justice Department. You can read more here.


Clinton-Biden Switch for 2012? -
speculation continues on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Vice President Joe Biden switching jobs prior to the 2012 election. The thought is Clinton would give President Obama a boost by being on the ticket. She has already announced she will step down as Secretary of State at the end of this term and this move would position Clinton well for a run for president in 2016. Biden, who was chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee would be a natural for Secretary of State. You can read more here.


Democrats Stand To Gain as Texas Redistricting Map Goes To Federal Trial -
it is likely Democrats stand to gain several House seats as a result. has more here.


Italy Financial Crisis Leads To Berlusconi Resignation -
rumored sex parties and alleged indiscretions with an under aged girl did not do what the impending financial collapse of Italy has done. Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi announced he would offer his resignation after suffering loses in a parliamentary election yesterday. has more here.


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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof


Cain To Hold Press Conference Today - at 5:00 PM ET to answer questions surrounding the sexual harassment claims which have surfaced recently. Yet, another woman came forward yesterday to complain of inappropriate behavior on the part of Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain.


White House Shake Up - with one year to go until election day, Chief of Staff William Daley is handing over many of his day to day duties to Peter Rouse, who serve as interim chief of staff when Rahm Emanuel stepped down to run for mayor of Chicago.

Daley had previously announced he would be leaving after the election. has more here.


President Obama To Visit Head Start School in Pennsylvania Today - on election day in a crucial swing state in the 2012 election, President Obama will visit Yeadon Regional Center in Delaware County; a Head Start School. You can read more here.


Deficit Super Committee Remains Deadlocked -
not a huge surprise in today's political climate. But, with two weeks to go before an automatic 1.2 Trillion deficit reduction kicks in, compromise remains an elusive goal. has more here.


Will Voting Outcomes Today Forecast 2012? -
doubtful, if the voting turnout is as low as is predicted. Yet, keep an eye on several votes; the repeal of the union busting bill passed in Ohio by Republican governor Kasich, also Republicans could regain control of Virginia's state senate, and in Mississippi, where voters will be asked to define "personhood". The NY Times has a good read here.


iPad Voting in Oregon Today -
disabled voters will be able to use an iPad to vote in the special election to replace Representative David Wu. Oregon was the first state to hold voting by mail. has more here.


Berlusconi Under Fire in Italy -
the Prime Minister of Italy is struggling to stay in power as the country's 2.6 Trillion in debt pushes them toward yet another eurozone bail-out. The Washington Post has more here.


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Monday, November 7, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Van Hollen Says Republican Super Committee Members Receiving Conflicting Advice - appearing on MSNBC "Morning Joe"


Romney and Cain Remain On Top - the latest Washington Post/ABC News Poll has Mitt Romney on top of Republican presidential contenders at 24% and Herman Cain at 23%. The poll also shows liabilities Romney has in winning the general election. You can read more here.


Ohio Union Bill Referendum Tomorrow -
Public Policy Polling says Republican Governor John Kasich's union busting bill will lose big in the referendum vote tomorrow with 59% opposing the bill.

This will be a big win for Democrats as Ohio is one of the critical swing states for President Obama in his bid for reelection. has more here.


Battle For Control of House and Senate Taking Shape -
in the House, Democrats are poised to gain seats but fall short of the 25 needed to regain the majority. A more likely scenario is for Democrats to pick up a dozen seats.

The Senate promises to be a real close battle with the outcome unclear. TheHill has a good read here on their early take of the upcoming election.


Democrats Drop Nationwide from 50% to 43% -
according to a new poll released today by Gallup. This is compared to the start of the 2008 presidential campaign. Those who identify as being Republican has increased from 37% to 40% and Independents have increased from 12% to 15%. has more here.


Iran Nears Nuclear Capability -
according to a new report by the International Atomic Energy Agency. Rhetoric has heated up for a military strike against Iran. The Washington Post has more here.


Berlusconi Next Resign? -
in the wake of the resignation of Greek prime minister George Papandreou, pressure on Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi to resign has increased. has more here.


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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou to Resign -
a coalition transition government is expected to be put in place which will last up to four months until elections are held. The move a result of the desire to save Greece from Bankruptcy. has more here.


Cain Drops in New Poll -
in a Reuters/Ipsos poll released today, respondents who view Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain favorably dropped from 66% to 57% after revelations pertaining to sexual harassment lawsuits. has more here.


Van Hollen Hopeful for Deficit Super Committee Agreement -
Maryland Democratic Representative Chris Van Hollen is one of the members of the committee which is facing a deadline of November 23 before automatic cuts are triggered on military, medicare, and other government spending. The Baltimore Sun has a good read here.


Boehner Says Republicans Willing to Discuss Revenue Sources -
House Speaker John Boehner explains the trade off for new revenue would be serious cuts for medicare and medicaid entitlement programs. has more here.


Slow Growth and Aging Populations Hamper Governments Worldwide -
the NY Times has a good read here which highlights the difficult choices ahead as governments struggle with finding solutions to the economic morass.


Pipeline Protesters At White House Today -
they intend to join hands and encircle the White House to protest the planned construction of a 1,700 mile oil pipeline from Canada to Texas. Environmentalists want President Obama to block the planned construction. You can read more here.


Cain and Gingrich Debate -
in a departure from all of the Republican presidential candidates participating. The two candidates took part in a ninety minute debate last night in Texas. has more here.


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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid To Put Forward "Vow To Hire Heroes Act" - the latest attempt by Senate Democrats to create jobs will be introduced next week. It has a good chance for passage as it will be attached to a House passed bill repealing 3% withholding of contractors. The bill will offer tax credits to companies that hire out of work veterans. has more here.


New Clinton book To Be Released Tuesday - The Washington Post has a review of the book entitled “Back to Work: Why We Need Smart Government for a Strong Economy” today which you can read here.

Former President Bill Clinton is harsh on Republicans, blaming them and their anti-government" message for the anemic economy, high unemployment and the inability of the U.S. to compete on the world stage.

Clinton also criticises President Obama for failing to identify workable economic policies.


Major General Peter Fuller Fired From Command in Afghanistan - he was relieved from command by General John Allen, who is head of NATO forces in Afghanistan. This action came as disparaging statements about the Afghan government attributed to Fuller were reported by You can read more here.


Cain Accuser Will Not Come Forward -
one of the women who accused Herman Cain of sexual harassment during his days with the National Restaurant Association has said through her attorney she will not come forward. The National Restaurant Association also stated they had informed her lawyer they were willing to waive the confidentiality agreement. has more here.


Gingrich calls For Debates With Obama
the Republican candidate who stands to benefit the most from the latest Cain campaign revelations, thrilled the crowd in Iowa. In a speech yesterday to mostly Republican leaders across the state of Iowa, Gingrich highlighted his experience as former House Speaker and called for seven three hour debates with President Obama if he wins the Republican nomination. has more here.

Keep an eye on Gingrich. Romney does not have the magical "it" needed to win the presidency, Perry continues to stumble, Cain will not last and there really is no one else left. Unless, Jeb Bush is drafted at the Republican National convention.

Stay Tuned...


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